“What happiness” … Neymar shares his joy after being vaccinated against Covid-19

Neymar, relaxed Monday during PSG training. – Anne-Christine Poujoulat / AFP

Is Neymar more Pfizer or Moderna? This burning question remains unanswered to this day. On the other hand, one thing is certain: the PSG attacker received a dose of anti-Covid vaccine. And he made it known on Instagram this Thursday. Not through the now classic “scruffy chest” photo, but through a short video where we see the Brazilian star taking the injection without flinching.

Neymar also published a half-personal, half-universal message: “After so much waiting, my turn has come,” he says. What a joy… I hope that things will get back to normal as soon as possible and that not only my country, Brazil, but the whole world can be vaccinated. “

Three hours after it was uploaded, the video had already been viewed more than 5.1 million times. More effective than a government communication campaign …

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