What can we do from this Wednesday? A decree sets the terms of deconfinement

The French can sip a coffee on the terrace from Wednesday 19 May. – Lewis Joly / AP / SIPA

Have a drink on the terrace yes, but under certain conditions. The government has detailed the modalities related to the first phase of deconfinement in France, by relaxing the sanitary measures to allow the reopening of places of culture and terraces,
in a decree published Wednesday in the Official Journal.

Meeting on the terrace is now possible but only those of restaurants and bars will have the right to reopen “within the limit of 50% of their capacity” and if “the people welcomed have a seat”, specifies the decree.

Capacities, gauges and curfews

In addition, “the same table can only bring together people coming together or having booked together, within the limit of six people”, it is indicated. The curfew is meanwhile pushed back to 9 p.m. across the country.

Cinemas, party rooms and marquees may also reopen, without “exceeding 35% of the establishment’s capacity”. Here too, “a minimum distance of one seat or one meter” must be ensured “between each person or each group”, within the limit of six people maximum.

Limited gatherings

Gatherings of more than ten people on public roads are prohibited, with the exception of guided tours.

The highly anticipated opening of concerts and shows is also subject to some restrictions: spectators must be seated, up to 35% of the workforce and not exceed 1,000 people.

The decree also eases the number of people authorized for funeral ceremonies, which now goes from 30 to 50 people.

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