Berthold Huber has taken on a suicide mission on the board of the railway. He has to renovate dilapidated routes, otherwise they will collapse. He wants to prevent this by speeding up construction. And he wants a lot of money from the state on a permanent basis, but not just for the railway.
At some point, Berthold Huber can no longer stand in his chair. The Deutsche Bahn board member jumps up, grabs a pen, goes to the board and draws what he means when he says that the company must now “break the wave”. Currently, both the number of construction projects and the number of disruptions are increasing, says Huber, 61. But at some point, the curves will meet – and the disruptions will become less. The country is not yet at that point, admits Huber, who has been Deutsche Bahn’s board member for infrastructure for two years. But soon, he assures.