What are the benefits of aromatic herbs?

Aromatic plants, much more than simple touches of greenery and flavor, are real treasures for health. Rich in fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, they transform each meal into a nutritious experience. Their major advantage lies in their lightness: they provide a multitude of benefits without adding unnecessary calories, thus offering a perfect harmony between taste and lightness in recipes.

Aromatic herbs to put regularly on the menu

Aromatic herbs offer a low calorie content (15 to 30 kcal per 100 g on average) and an exceptional richness in chlorophyll, a powerful antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory. They are an essential source of vitamins, including vitamin K crucial for blood clotting and bone strength, as well as minerals such as magnesium, iron and calcium.

Their fiber intake is beneficial for nourishing the intestinal microbiota, essential for good overall health. In these times when the latter is often disrupted by pollution, stress and an unbalanced diet, regularly integrating aromatic herbs into your diet is a wise choice to strengthen and restore this natural balance. To avoid monotony, vary the species used in cooking in order to take advantage of their complementary actions. Each has specific virtues that are worth exploring.

Mint, the queen of digestion

Mint, with its fresh and recognizable aromas, is a plant with multiple medicinal properties. Thanks to its richness in iron, it stimulates the secretion of bile, thus promoting the purification of the liver and the elimination of toxins. To facilitate digestion after a hearty meal, there is nothing like adding it to cooking or consuming it as an infusion. Known for its pain-relieving properties, it relieves muscle and joint pain, and soothes migraines when applied to the skin. When inhaled, its essential oil clears the respiratory tract and relieves congestion. Finally, a few chewed mint leaves are an effective natural remedy for bad breath, even after meals rich in flavor.

Thyme to say goodbye to colds

As an infusion, thyme is effective against bronchitis, colds and flu thanks to its antibacterial properties, particularly soothing when combined with lemon and honey. It also has antispasmodic properties, ideal for soothing respiratory tightness and asthmatic coughs, while stimulating digestion and relieving the liver. When applied topically, thyme relieves oral conditions such as cavities or gingivitis, but it should be used in moderation to avoid overloading the liver: cautious use for one to two months is recommended.

Basil, a summer scent that comes with health benefits

Basil, appreciated in Mediterranean gastronomy, is an aromatic herb to be integrated without restriction thanks to its richness in vitamins A and C, phosphorus and calcium. In addition to its nutritional qualities, this green leaf offers many virtues: consumed in the form of a decoction, poultice or gargle, it helps prevent nausea, relieves gastric spasms and bloating, soothes nervousness and promotes sleep. , while facilitating digestion. Thanks to its high content of rosmarinic acid, a powerful antioxidant, basil is also an excellent choice for soothing digestive disorders and promoting relaxation.

Chives to stock up on antioxidants

Chives, darling of French cuisines, are a veritable mine of health benefits. Enriched with essential vitamins, including vitamin B9, crucial for cell development. In addition, its generous vitamin K content strengthens blood clotting and supports bone metabolism, making it an excellent choice for a balanced diet.

Rosemary to boost the immune system

Rosemary, a Mediterranean plant, elegantly flavors vegetable, meat and grilled dishes, adding an invigorating touch. Enriched with flavonoids with anti-inflammatory, immuno-stimulating and antioxidant properties, rosemary supports biliary and liver function, relieves intestinal pain and promotes liver detoxification. Its use fresh or as an infusion after meals facilitates digestion, while its harmonious association with thyme increases its benefits tenfold to strengthen the body and its natural defenses.

Cilantro, the unloved health ally

Cilantro, a culinary emblem of Asia, India and the Middle East, adds an exotic and tasty dimension to various dishes. In addition to its gastronomic role, it stands out for its richness in antioxidants as well as vitamins C, K and B9, offering a natural solution to soothe digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating. Whether integrated fresh into recipes or as an infusion with its dried seeds, coriander proves to be a precious ally for healthy and balanced digestion.

Did you know ? Some people may reject cilantro due to genetic factors, finding its strong taste of soap, earth, or even crushed bugs, particularly unpleasant, which may surprise fans of this herb.

Sage, the best option against bloating

Sage is a perennial plant prized in herbal medicine for its many benefits. As a natural antioxidant, it helps prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and age-related disorders. Two of its main antioxidant compounds, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, play a key role in this process.

In addition, sage is renowned for its digestive properties, stimulating bile secretion to alleviate bloating and digestive discomfort, and reduce flatulence. Approved as a traditional treatment by the European Medicines Agency, it is used to relieve heartburn, bloating, as well as inflammation of the mouth, throat and skin by local application.

Chervil, soothing and decongestant

Chervil should be used raw in cooking to preserve its taste. It is a valuable source of vitamins C, B9 and provitamin A, as well as many minerals and trace elements. As an infusion, chervil facilitates digestion, combats urine retention and relieves the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and kidney stones. As a poultice, it soothes and decongests insect bites, rheumatic pain and tired eyes.

Parsley, a friend of energy

Parsley, famous for its versatility in cooking around the world, enriches sauces and broths with its unique flavor. It’s a real vitamin C bomb, even surpassing kiwi and orange, and it’s also full of carotene, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, making it a true superfood. Add it without hesitation to all your recipes to benefit from its exceptional nutritional benefits.

How to properly consume aromatic herbs to get the most of their benefits?

Aromatic herbs lose some of their benefits when cooked, in particular the precious vitamin C. This is why it is strongly recommended to add them at the end of preparation to preserve both their flavors and their nutrients. Also, for frozen herbs, be careful not to leave them in the freezer for too long, as the buildup of ice crystals may spoil them.

To get the most out of aromatic herbs, it is essential to check their organic and local provenance and to scrupulously follow the recommended doses. For optimal use, do not hesitate to consult a health professional.

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