Wedding games: These ten ideas provide lots of fun

Entertainment for the guests
These ten wedding games will get the party going

Some hate them, others love them: wedding games. star shows ten ideas that (almost) everyone will warm to.

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Weddings need to be well planned. In addition to outfits, decoration and catering, the entertainment program should not be underestimated. star shows ten wedding games for a proper party atmosphere.

There are two emotions that are not Wedding: tears of emotion and loud laughter. While the first point is already taken care of by the wedding ceremony, you should give the second point a little more thought. The star shows you ten fun activities that will not only break the ice, but also liven things up and get the party going.

1. Guest Bingo

Each guest receives a Bingo card with different characteristics (e.g. “Has red hair”, “Comes from the same city as the bride and groom”). The aim is to find other guests who match the characteristics. It’s a great way to get the guests talking to each other.

2. Bride and Groom Quiz

Test your guests’ knowledge of the bride and groom using a Quizzes. Ask questions like “Who initiated the first kiss?” or “Where was the first vacation you went on together?” Whoever has the most correct answers wins a small prize.

3. Fill-in-the-blank

This suggestion is ideal for keeping guests occupied between breaks or shortly after the reception. Cloze text can be completed in just a few minutes and reveals funny connections between guests and the bride and groom. The pretty notes can then be stuck into a guest book. Alternatively, the gap-filling game can of course also be played in a large, open group. The most creative idea will not only receive applause and laughter, but possibly also a small prize.

4. Marriage contract

Have the bride and groom fill out a fun prenuptial agreement in which they specify humorous clauses such as “who gets the remote control in case of disputes”. Guests can make suggestions and the agreement will be read out later. The clauses can be little cute cards written and then kept as funny memories.

5. Photo scavenger hunt

Make a list of photos that guests should take during the wedding (e.g. “The bride and groom dancing,” “A funny selfie with the groom”) or buy a ready-made Deck of cardsWhoever has the most photos wins a prize. The best way to play the game is to Polaroid camera.

6. Wedding Jenga

Buy a Jenga game out of wooden blocks and write funny tasks on them. The guests have to take turns pulling out a block and completing the tasks, such as “Tell a funny anecdote about the bride and groom” or “Dance wildly on the dance floor”.

7. Wedding Lottery

Get Scratch cardsthat guests can buy from you and win something. The game is not only exciting, but also improves the wedding budget.

8. Piñatas

Fill out a Piñata with small sweets, fun items or money. The bride and groom or the guests can take turns trying to smash the piñata – ideal for a bit of childish fun at the party.

9. City-Country-Bride

City-Country-Bride is of course based on Town-Country-River, the rules are the same. However, in Town-Country-Bride other categories are sought (as you might already have guessed). In the wedding edition, types of flowers, reasons for getting married or nicknames are sought – laughs guaranteed.

10. Karaoke

Let the bride and groom or the guests sing songs using a Karaoke machine sing. Late in the evening, when everyone has had a few glasses of champagne, even the shyest party guest will dare to take the microphone. And maybe the bride and groom will even perform a duet.

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