Weather Sunday July 18: the heat wave is gaining ground

By Gilles MATRICONmeteorologist

This Sunday, July 18 marks the start of the heat wave which will affect the whole country on Monday and Tuesday. It is in the west that temperatures will reach an exceptional level.

To remember

full sun from morning to night

intense heat in the west, record near the Atlantic

high heat still bearable elsewhere due to a light easterly wind

increased risk of fires due to very dry air everywhere

General context

France is entering the heat wave. The huge heat dome is set up from the Maghreb to the British Isles via France. Temperatures reach exceptionally high levels in the southwestern regions, up to 40°C. They are very high elsewhere and are not yet too sultry due to a light, very dry continental easterly wind.

Details by region

All of France is affected by a blazing sun. The nuances come from the temperatures.

Of the Brittany to the New Aquitaine at Midi-Pyrenees to all southeast of the country, temperatures range from 18 to 24°C in the morning to reach 35 to 40°C in the afternoon. It is in the south of the Garonne and lower Rhône valley that the heat will be the hottest in the afternoon with locally 40 to 42°C. In the evening, the high heat will continue with 30°C around 11 p.m.

Of the Normandy to paris basin, you have 16 to 22°C in the morning. The highs reach 35°C at the hottest of the day. In the evening, we expect another 28°C around 11 p.m.

Of the Hauts-de-France to Great East to northern Auvergne-Rhône, the minimums are a little lower with 12 to 20°C from the Ardennes to the Lyonnais. The highs show 33 to 36°C.

In Burgundy-Franche-Comtefrom 10 to 15°C in the morning, temperatures climb between 32 and 35°C under a blazing sun.


The situation deserves your full attention. If you are by the sea, prefer the morning and evening after 8 p.m. to swim. It will be too hot between 10 am and 8 pm on the hot sand beaches. If you are in town, preferably go out in the morning before 10 a.m. and after 8 p.m. In the mountains, do not neglect the heat during your hikes, even above 1800 meters where the temperature will be around 28°C in the afternoon. Ventilate your homes between 4 and 8 a.m. Keep the shutters closed. And above all, remember to hydrate yourself abundantly or take lukewarm showers spaced 3 hours apart during the hottest time of the day.

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