Weather: Heat in the Aegean reaches its peak

Heat in the Aegean reaches its peak

A man refreshes himself at a fountain in Athens’ Syntagma Square. Photo

© Socrates Baltagiannis/dpa

For the third day in a row, thermometers around the Aegean show temperatures well above 40 degrees. But there is a glimmer of hope.

For three days now, a Heatwave is making life difficult for people in Greece and Turkey. As the Greek weather office announced on Thursday, temperatures of up to 45 degrees are expected in central Greece and on the Peloponnese peninsula in the early afternoon. “It will be the most difficult day of this heatwave,” said a spokesman for the weather office on the radio. At 9 a.m. the thermometers in Athens already showed 33 degrees.

Already on Wednesday, the Acropolis, the symbol of Athens, was closed during the hot midday hours. The Ministry of Culture extended the closure between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to all ancient sites in the greater area of ​​the Greek capital. Kindergartens and primary schools remained closed in several regions of the country for the second day in a row. Many people worked from home; there was almost no work in the construction industry due to the heat. Doctors advised elderly or sick people to stay at home.

Falling temperatures expected

It was also already over 30 degrees on the Turkish Aegean coast in the morning. In the western Turkish province of Aydin, a record temperature was measured on Wednesday, according to the state news agency Anadolu: the thermometers there showed 44.6 degrees, making it the hottest day in June in the province since 1938.

According to the forecasts of the weather authorities in both countries, this short heat wave will end at the weekend. It is expected to rain in northern Greece as early as Friday. Northerly winds will then set in. The temperature will then drop significantly. However, the risk of fire will increase due to the wind, warned the Greek civil protection agency on Thursday.


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