Weather: 13 departments on orange vigilance rain-floods and thunderstorms

Orange rain-flood and thunderstorm vigilance was extended to 13 departments this Wednesday, September 7, announced Meteo-France in its latest forecast bulletin.

The rainy-stormy episode persists in the south and center of the country. According to the latest report from Météo-France, 13 departments are currently on orange alert rain-floods and thunderstorms this Wednesday. The following are concerned: Ain, Rhône, Loire, Isère, Drôme, Ardèche, Haute-Loire, Vaucluse, Gard, Hérault, Bouches-du-Rhône, Alpes-de- Haute-Provence and the Var.

Gard had been placed on red rain-flood alert for a few hours overnight. Nîmes, in particular, was affected by very heavy rainwhich caused numerous water overflows.

According to Météo-France, “the amounts of precipitation were very high in the surrounding regions (more than 100 mm in one hour) and Montpellier (more than 70 mm in one hour).

The main thunderstorm activity in the south-east should gradually move to sea while other strong thunderstorms will affect the central-eastern departments.

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