“We have to take care of each other”… Often reassured, sometimes grumpy, the customers of the terraces play the game

It is sharp noon Place du Capitole. On the terraces of the breweries where tourists and locals begin to sit down, the sun is playing hide and seek. Not the police. They arrive in force and in uniform for this very first sanitary pass control organized in the Pink City since the entry into force of the QR codes. “The idea is not to trap people”, asks Commissioner Thierry Suau. He plays diplomats by explaining the purpose of the operation to the tenants while his troops scatter without dawdling between the tables where most of the customers at the mere sight of the uniforms draw their cellphones as if by reflex – already.

Some do it casually, polite but annoyed, many with a broad smile. Like Nawel. In front of her late grand café, the almost forty-something has fun with the publicized deployment. “It’s a bit too much, it’s a com operation”, she emphasizes. But basically, she is delighted to hold out the little piece of paper with the flash code that she has slipped on the back of the shell of her smartphone. She finds it “reassuring” to be checked a second time, the waiter having perfectly fulfilled his duty when she arrived. “What shocks me,” she said, “are the anti-tax slogans on Saturdays. They talk about dictatorship, but the real dictatorship is what is happening in Afghanistan ”.

“You have to if you want to continue to live normally”

For Florence la Ch’ti who jokes with a policeman on this intermittent southern sun “no problem” either. “They do their job, we have to watch over each other,” she decides after a very pro vaccine table.

Not far from there, a couple of Corrèze retirees also lend themselves to verification without complaining. He doesn’t have his QR code. “They forgot to give it to me.” But he produced his two vaccination certificates. “I am not sure that we were right to be vaccinated but it is necessary if we want to continue to live normally”, however slips the tourist. He was satisfied with the fact that the control was carried out by the police: he pained “a lot of traders who were forced to hire staff. That’s too much expense. “

“Lone wolf and popular sheep”

To find the real rebel, you have to cross the alley. The proof of Fouad, arrived the same morning by plane from Paris, is more colorful: “It is the test, negative, that I was given at the airport”. The 30-something is ready to take and repeat the test every 72 hours. “I will never get vaccinated!” Better to be a lone wolf than a popular sheep, ”he explains very calmly. Between the nightclub frequented the day before in the capital “where nobody wore a mask” and its plane “so crowded that we touched our skin”, there is not too much illusion about the efficiency. health measures.

“Okay, you can move on now, no one is going to enter the terrace if you stay.” I’m missing my serve there! “. At first serene, a restaurant owner is annoyed by the police presence. No luck, there is on her terrace a young girl just arrived from Italy who tries more and more nervous to find in her cell phone, then to translate, the test that was done to her there. Same puzzle, forcing a policeman to a good dose of teaching with an English tourist who, inevitably, does not have a European health pass but still seems to be in order.

This Tuesday noon, between the Place du Capitole and the more intimate restaurants of the Saint-Cyprien district, the police checked ten establishments. They did not verbalize a single customer, nor consequently put any operator on notice. “It’s very positive, it shows that restaurateurs take the instructions to heart,” said Commissioner Suau. But there will be other controls. “There will be every day in different places.”

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