“We have given enough”, in the metro, the call for the return of the mask falls flat

“I make a solemn appeal: let us respect barrier gestures, wear the mask as soon as we are with fragile people or in crowded areas such as public transport, declared Elisabeth Borne, Tuesday, at the podium of the National Assembly. . These are small gestures that save lives. “And it is just as solemnly that, this Wednesday morning, a Toulouse mother decrees, while taking the metro escalator, that she will not do it: “it is useless! I already caught the Covid with a mask and in addition it gives me allergies, so basta, ”she said, holding her little boy by the hand in the descent. Nour, 16, leaning on her smartphone, is also waiting for the next unprotected train. And she did not hear the slightest echo of the Prime Minister’s message. “When did she say that?” Frankly, we have given enough. We are no longer there, it will pass, ”reassures the young girl. Amina*, 14, is well placed to know that Covid-19 cases are skyrocketing. Three of his teachers are absent. Usually, she always has a mask in her pocket, for college, just in case. But then she forgot. “The mask is not very pleasant. I’m ready to put it back on, but only if it’s mandatory,” she decides.

“It’s not good, I know it”

While in Haute-Garonne, the incidence rate reached 594 cases per 100,000 inhabitants last week, unheard of for several months, these travelers are far from being exceptions. Of the forty people leaving Esquirol in a rather busy train at the end of the morning, there are only three masked passengers, including two elderly people. Clara*, with a technique of her own to escape the virus, places herself as far away as possible from these users who are distinguished by their caution. “Now that no one wears the mask anymore, you can be sure that those who have one are contact cases or already sick,” she says. She’s not entirely wrong for Ylies. He is no longer positive, but has barely come out of his Covid and keeps his mask on to protect others.

Clinging to the bar and his nose in the air, Alex*, 24, does his soul-searching live. Not only did he hear Elisabeth Borne, but he also has three masks in his backpack. “It’s not good, I know, especially since I have asthma and I wear a mask in the school where I work, because the little ones catch everything that passes. But not in the metro, it’s really paradoxical,” he explains, a little embarrassed.

Coline, 18, is more comfortable with not wearing a mask. “It’s a choice that I assume, because I’ve already had the Covid three times and I think I’m immune,” she explains. My mother is a nurse and I know that, in fact, it never stopped. But we talk about it again on the news, no doubt because there is a lull on the other subjects. »

“We don’t respect anything anymore, that’s the current society”

Curiously, the followers of the mask are essentially women. Christelle is a dental assistant. She wears the FFP2 without inconvenience, “very wide and less stuffy”, which she has never left at work. But the fifty-year-old remarks that no patient takes this precaution anymore, even if she does not feel the audacity to call them to order. Nadine wears her mask “as soon as there are a few people in the metro”, out of necessity: she has “health concerns”. She can see that she’s a little lonely in her case, “but that doesn’t bother me,” she says. We are all responsible adults, each doing according to his conscience. Sylvie is more severe. “We don’t respect anything anymore, that’s the current society, and in addition we must not say anything”, gets angry the sixty-year-old. No, she didn’t hear Elisabeth Borne’s message – “because if I want to have my morale down, I watch the news” – but, yes, “obviously”, she has her mask on, because “ transport is still hypersensitive! »

*Names have been changed

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