“We have a big thing happening for both of us”, announce Clément Rémiens and Benjamin Baroche

Her name is Raphaëlle, she is 17 years old and she attended, on Monday, like nearly a thousand other people, the first convention devoted to Here it all begins in Paris. However, unlike the others, this young fan of the TF1 series had the opportunity to interview Clément Rémiens and Benjamin Baroche, in the dressing room reserved for actors. For fifteen minutes, the actors took care to answer the questions that she had prepared before this interview. Those who play the characters of Maxime Delcourt and Emmanuel Teyssier talk about the bond that unites them and what awaits them in the daily soap opera.

The hierarchical relationship between Teyssier and Maxime does not prevent the latter from not letting himself be walked on. How would you define the relationship your characters have?

Clement Remiens : We don’t have a precise answer to that question, because we are moving forward all the time. We’ve been telling producers and writers for a long time that we would like to go titillate their relationship, but we don’t want to establish something clear.

Benjamin Baroche : Yes, in order to be able to move.

Clement Remiens : Maxime is a rather special student, especially vis-à-vis Teyssier. I think there is a lot of love between the two. It’s not what is said, I don’t know if you can feel it, but there is a kind of respect between the two.

Benjamin Baroche : From the first scene we played together, I yell at him and I remember saying: “Get your ass around, finish your chocolate thing.” We had already found this little link. There is mutual esteem, you can feel it, even if the other is a sadist. At the end of the first day of filming, we said to ourselves that we would try to nurture this little flower that there is between the two, this mutual esteem. At the same time, we have to play an antagonism anyway, so there are sides to Teyssier that greatly annoy Maxime and vice versa. So that’s how the duo can work.

Clement Remiens : We installed the fact of adoring to hate each other, like two bulls.

Are there any storylines that you would like to find your characters in or in which you would have liked to play alongside other actors?

Benjamin Baroche : When I see the things that young people have to play, I find it great, really. Greg’s coming out is great. I quote that, but I could quote 15,000 other things. The “sugar daddy” was great to play. It’s a formative person, I feed on young people a lot, I learn a lot from this generation, I’m really happy because I could have missed it. I worked in acting school just before getting this role, so I was already a bit plugged in to your generation. Fortunately ! Because otherwise, at 50 brooms, you quickly see only people of 40-50 years old and you no longer speak the same language. The first chance I have is that there are all these young people in the series, it puts me on these tracks.

Clément, what do you think of Maxime’s development since “Demain Nous Belongs”? They say it’s too smooth, too perfect. How do you respond to the critics?

Clement Remiens : You have understood everything about what is happening to me at the moment in terms of character development. It’s necessary that it moves. I wanted to change the character, but to really evolve him, to make him dirty even more than that. But it will be done, there is no problem. I think we can have a universal character like Maxime’s, nice with a lot of character. He can have faults and the fact of cheating on his girlfriend, it does all the same a little good because, suddenly, one wonders what Maxime is doing. At least we’re wondering about him. Indeed, it received a lot of criticism. I knocked on a lot of doors to say, “Watch out, watch out. For my character and for the viewers, I had to make sure I got the reviews read. We talked and it went well. I hope that, for the future, it will be okay. [Il se tourne vers Benjamin Baroche] We both worked a lot, after a lot of discussion around your question.

Benjamin Baroche : We have a big thing happening for both of us.

Clement Remiens : It will no longer be a Maxime who will help everyone. He will be more centered on himself and he will try, with his ego and his pride, to put himself a little up to Teyssier. I think the chef will like it a lot.

Benjamin, what are your reactions when you read Teyssier’s punchlines? Do you ever hate the character or laugh when reading the lines?

Benjamin Baroche : Ah yes, I laugh of course. I rework some punchlines. Sometimes it’s too much, there is no need for more. There is one little sentence too many that I take out. We work in unison with everyone, so I don’t take too many liberties, but as we go fast, we have to aim right… In connection with everyday life, you know what works after a while. It does not mean that you take power over everything and that it is you who decides. You are an actor, you are directed and people write for you. But I know some words are not going to work and others will, so I make them more my own, I change a couple of things on the punchlines. But at 70%, they are untouchable because they are great. So I laugh a lot when I receive them. It happened to me to refuse it two or three times, there is one that I refused to say about foreigners. I said: “No, that’s not Teyssier. He is not homophobic, he is not xenophobic. It happened very, very rarely, but on the new ones arriving, we had Deva, I didn’t give a damn about Kathy’s character [Packianathan] and there you have it, we shouldn’t add too much.

Clément, it has been a long time since we last saw you in something other than “Here everything begins”. Do you have other projects in mind?

Clement Remiens : [Long silence]

Maybe that means yes, that!

Benjamin Baroche : It is good, this little one! [rires]

Clement Remiens : Yes, thinking means yes … After that, there are things that you cannot say. I appreciate your questions! What can I say? Obviously, fortunately I have personal projects. A long time ago, my basketball coach told me that you always have to have a goal. He spoke to me about technical progression, but I associate it with a life too. The goal is not to have projects, but stories to tell for me. I’m pretty happy with everything I’ve done, because I find I have some little stories to tell and I’ll try to tell others.

Benjamin, right now Emmanuel has multiple sclerosis. Is that a harbinger that you’re not going to be on the show for long?

Benjamin Baroche : I can not answer this question. I’m not going to release a joker, but multiple sclerosis came from the authors and I find that very interesting, because it weakens the character and the viewer at the same time. We don’t know if he’s going to stay and neither do I, in fact, in the end, to tell you the truth. It gives me an interesting countdown aspect. Its days are not numbered, because you do not die of multiple sclerosis right away, you are afflicted and diminished. The day he won’t be able to walk, I don’t know. Is this a way out? Yes of course. He may very well say, “Goodbye, thank you. And that brings spice too. To say to yourself “play like it’s your last streak” every time, I think it’s really great.

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