We got in a rally car with Sébastien Loeb… and we didn’t even vomit

“Don’t eat too much before, huh! », « Did you put on a diaper just in case? “… Benevolent and a little mocking, my relatives had tried to warn me. This “driving baptism” with Sébastien Loeb would not be easy. Especially given the place chosen: a small road upstream from the upper valley of the Bruche (Bas-Rhin), in the Vosges mountains. A course of less than 3 km in the middle of the forest, blocked for the day by municipal decree.

I am not the only one to have been invited by Vulcanet, a company specializing in cleaning wipes and above all sponsor of the nine-time world rally champion. In total, we are ten privileged, media as clients of the organizer. But, lucky guy, I’m the first to pass! Not even time to see the reactions of the other co-drivers of the day…

Arrival by helicopter

“I’ve never seen anyone vomit,” the press officer tried to reassure me while one of the managers of Sébastien Loeb Racing (SLR) advised me “to watch the road, it’s better”. Behind me, a VIP guest was more direct: “Who comes before me? Don’t water the tub guys! “ Relaxed atmosphere hardly disturbed by the noise of the helicopter of the hero of the day, thus arrived from Switzerland by the way of the airs.

Jumpsuit, charlotte and helmet on, I’m ready. Not even stressed! Sébastien Loeb, he had just done a short scouting tour at the wheel of the legendary 306 maxi, with which he had competed (and almost won) the Mont-Blanc rally in 2021. So, start? Not yet, the time to adjust “a few vibrations” which the Alsatian driver and his team had just complained about was busy. Until I was offered to ride in the 306 horsepower car and its minimalist consumption, 65 liters per 100!

0 to 112 km/h in six seconds

Inside, a lot of small buttons, a screen in front of me to give all the information on the engine and of course the two bucket seats. ” Good morning ! », greets me politely Sébastien Loeb coming to settle down. Polite and fairly restrained dialogue, I admit to being a little impressed by the man. “We heat up a bit on the way down. The brakes, the tires and everything”, he announces in the helmet, before accelerating. Let’s go !

In six seconds, we went from 0 to 112 km/h! This first acceleration is lightning: between the enormous noise of the engine and the passing landscape, I’m a little lost. Is it possible to go so fast on such small paths? I’m looking for a place to hang on. The seat, very good, I hold on and enjoy the moment.

“I’m fine,” said the pilot, apparently not waiting for an answer. That’s good, I don’t know what to say, as if glued to the show. By its braking and its fluid raises. The native of Haguenau has driven all his life and it shows. Where few would risk reaching 60 km/h, he reached 167 km/h! All while passing the seven speeds manually, charm of the model. Easy…

Sébastien Loeb’s mythical 306 Maxi. – T. Gagnepain

The descent barely lasted 1’30, here we are in the arrival car park in Colroy-la-Roche. Ready to set off again after a 360° turn, at full speed of course. “I didn’t talk too much, I didn’t mean to bother you,” I dare politely. Smile from the recent second in the Dakar 2023 who hears from me and gives his first feelings. “I’m a little careful because it’s still very fast… These are the first runs of the day, you have to be careful. What will it be when it’s hot!

“The experience of a lifetime”

The climb goes even faster and I’m still wobbly with my head sometimes hitting the roll bar. But how do real co-pilots manage to read at the same time? I just have time to hold on and tell myself that the ravine is never far away. Finally if, because my driver masters perfectly. I don’t even have time to be afraid that he has already passed the hairpin. And now the starting arch. It’s already over… and it was amazing!

“It’s the experience of a lifetime with space braking and a car glued to the ground,” said another baptized in the morning a little later. A perfect summary. “It’s good, there were no screams”, laughs at the end Sébastien Loeb, delighted “to share these moments”. “I’ve already had all kinds of reactions. Some are scared, others savor… I think everyone had fun today! No one will say otherwise.

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