Washing machine, pedometer … The clues which led the gendarmes to suspect the husband of the missing nurse

Cédric Jubillar, December 23, 2020, during the search for his wife Delphine. – F. Scheiber – AFP

  • Cédric Jubillar was indicted and imprisoned for the murder of his wife Delphine, who disappeared in the Tarn six months ago.
  • The search continues to find the body of the nurse.
  • The craftsman still categorically denies any involvement, but the gendarmes, relying in particular on his telephone and his pedometer, dig the trail of feminicide.

On December 16, 2020, when Cédric Jubillar, worried about the disappearance of his wife Delphine, welcomes the gendarmes he has just called in his pajamas, he finishes launching a washing machine. In the drum is the duvet which usually covers the sofa where the 33-year-old nurse sleeps since the couple’s break-up is over. This strange behavior, in a man not really fanatic of household, is part of the “serious and concordant indices” exposed this Friday, by the public prosecutor of Toulouse, Dominique Alzéari, to explain the indictment of Cédric Jubillar by the magistrates instructors.

Suspected of “murder on a spouse”, the man still claims his innocence. “At this stage of the case, without a body, without knowing the origins of a death of which the reality is unknown, to retain a homicidal intention is astounding,” his lawyer Jean-Baptiste Alary told AFP.

Here, on the investigators’ side, some of the elements which led the gendarmes on his trail during an extraordinary investigation which has already given rise to “2,500 acts and reports”.

Eager to report disappearance and pedometer

Cédric Jubillar has always explained that he saw Delphine for the last time around 11 p.m. on December 15 and then noticed her disappearance around 3:45 a.m. The telephony shows that he turned on his cell phone again at 3:50 am, made a few phone calls to friends of Delphine – “but not the closest”, specifies the magistrate – before calling the gendarmes at 4:09 am, so in an extremely short time. .

In addition, the expertise on his phone, and in particular on the pedometer function, shows that in this period of time his movements were limited to “forty steps”. He was certainly able to put it down, but he also said during his police custody that he had not gone out into the garden so as not to disturb the neighbors. The missing woman’s phone, which has never been found, worked until 10:54 p.m. Then it came back on briefly around 7:58 a.m. to switch to voicemail for good. Between 3:45 a.m. and 10 a.m. that day, Cédric Jubillar tried to reach his wife 180 times. Then twice a little later. Then never again.

Other closed doors

The investigation failed to detect the presence of a prowler and the alibis of potential suspects, some of whom were appointed to the gendarmes by Cédric Jubillar, were verified. Dominique Alzéari confirmed that the nurse had a sentimental affair with a Montalbanais, met “during the summer” and put out of the question by the investigations. She was considering moving in with him. She even took out a loan to buy a new car and find accommodation. “She had no objective, human, material or emotional reason to leave under these conditions”, underlines the prosecutor. What’s more, without his glasses, his purse or his car. This is why the trail of a voluntary departure of the mother of a family very attached to her children, or of a suicide, has been closed by the gendarmes.

While they established that Cédric Jubillar, whose yards did not boil the pot, was worried about his living conditions in the event of a divorce. And if the thirty-something has not confessed, his “explanations were evolving, not to say contradictory” during his custody. Not to mention that he often spoke of his wife in the past and quickly rebuilt his love life.

The testimony of their 6 year old child and the “shrill cries”

The couple’s eldest son, 6, told investigators he heard a heated argument between his parents as he went to bed, around 11 p.m. His testimony is deemed “credible” by experts. But there are two other key witnesses: two neighbors, mother and daughter. Around 11:07 pm, a time determined thanks to the memory of a commercial break in their TV program, they heard “shrill cries”, “cries of distress from a woman”. Not worrying enough, however, for them to sound the alarm.

Fog in the car

Cédric Jubillar does not have the license, which does not prevent him from driving on occasion. According to testimonies, the missing person was still parking her car in reverse on a slope, ready to leave. However, when the gendarmes arrived that morning at dawn, the vehicle was parked in the other direction. In addition, the gendarmes noticed that the driver’s window was partly lowered despite the winter temperatures and covered with mist. An expert considers that this index is compatible with “a human presence” in the passenger compartment, shortly before.

The investigation by the gendarmes of the Toulouse research section, supported by the Tarn soldiers, continues with heavy technical and human resources. And with the absolute priority of finding the body of Delphine Jubillar.

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