Was there “insider trading” in the award of the hospital cleaning contract?

In front of the Purpan University Hospital in Toulouse. Drawing. – F. Scheiber – Sipa

  • The Toulouse CHU executive who prepared the transfer to the private sector of the hospital’s bio-cleaning also left the public service.
  • And it is his new employer, a cleaning giant, who has just won a large part of this famous market.
  • The CGT requests the opening of an investigation for insider trading and conflict of interest.
  • The CHU and the company say for their part that the specialist was kept out of the procedure.

In this story that the CGT wants to clarify, the role of the main character is held by a chief hospital engineer, who worked to outsource the bio-cleaning of the
Toulouse University Hospital. Indeed, it is he who between March 2011 and October 2013, as a senior executive, member of the management of the Hospitality Logistics Equipment division of the CHU, held the position of project manager for the “reorganization of the bio-cleaning function”. at the Toulouse hospital center. Clearly, it was he who was in the process of transferring to the private sector all of the hospital’s bio-cleaning market, which had until then been managed internally.

On January 14, 2019, our official was placed on availability from the CHU to join the Atalian group, a French industrial cleaning giant, which offered him a position as France director of the Health and Ultra-cleaning markets.

On December 22, 2020, Atalian is one of the two companies (the second is Elior) which wins the call for tenders for the bio-cleaning contract of the Toulouse University Hospital, a contract of approximately 4 million euros which relates to maintenance. of 750,000 m² of surface and which comes in two lots. Atalian won 60% of this market (effective since April 1), after having come second twice (2013 and 2017).

The mayor put in the perfume

Has the presence in the ranks of Atalian of the “M. privatization of the CHU’s bio-cleaning” had a direct or indirect impact on obtaining this contract? For the CGT of the public establishment, it is obvious. “We want an investigation to be opened immediately for conflict of interest, and initiated offense”, facts characterized “by the intimate knowledge of the internal procedure of the Toulouse University Hospital” on the part of the pantoufleur executive, details Julien Terrié, secretary General of the CGT of the Toulouse University Hospital in a letter sent on April 26 to the director of the hospital and to Jean-Luc Moudenc, the mayor of Toulouse, in his capacity as chairman of the supervisory board of the CHU.

For the management of the public establishment, such comments are “defamatory”. “The CHU strictly complied with the provisions of the public procurement code in terms of competition, analysis of offers and choice of the company with a double concern for transparency and impartiality”.

Obligations “scrupulously” respected

Same story on the side of the Atalian company which explains that the layoff of the engineer “was granted by a national ethics commission which issued a favorable opinion” at the end of January 2019, subject to his abstaining “Until March 1, 2020, of any professional relationship with agents from the equipment and logistics department of the Toulouse University Hospital” and “until January 14, 2022, of any professional relationship with agents of the quality department of the Toulouse University Hospital ”. And to swear that he “scrupulously respected his obligations” and that he “did not wish to participate directly or indirectly, directly or indirectly, in the call for tenders”.

The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life was also seized by the CGT.

Insider trading can no longer be prosecuted twice, the EADS lawsuit called into question

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