Warning of severe weather and flooding this weekend in Saxony

Real summer weather is currently not in sight in Saxony. The weather service is warning of possible heavy rain at the weekend. (Symbolic image)
Image rights: picture alliance/dpa | Bernd März

In 2002 and 2013, storms and heavy rain caused flooding in Saxony. The German Weather Service has now warned of similar weather conditions. What does this mean for the regions in Saxony?

The German Weather Service (DWD) is warning of possible storms with heavy rain next weekend. In Saxony, a so-called Vb weather situation is threatening. A similar situation was the trigger for the floods of the century in 2002 and 2013.

According to the weather service, between 12 noon on Saturday and Sunday night, 30 to 60 litres of rain per square metre could fall in the region within a few hours. On Thursday, the DWD warned of rainfall amounts of 70 to 120 litres, and locally up to 150 litres per square metre.

Affected The following regions in Saxony are expected:

  • Erzgebirge district
  • Bautzen District – Lowlands
  • Görlitz District – Lowlands
  • Leipzig District
  • District of Meissen
  • District of Central Saxony – Lowlands
  • District of North Saxony – North and South,
  • Zwickau District – Mountains and Lowlands
  • City of Chemnitz
  • City of Leipzig
  • Vogtlandkreis – mountain and lowland

Where does the term Vb weather situation come from?– The term goes back to the meteorologist Wilhelm Jacob van Bebber.
– Almost 150 years ago, Van Bebber recorded the typical paths of low-pressure areas and numbered them with Roman numerals.
– It is pronounced five-b weather situation, but it is written with a Roman five: Vb weather situation.Glossary German Weather Service

Warning of high water levels in rivers

This extreme rainfall can lead to flooding. There is also a risk that basements or underpasses will flood. State Flood Center Saxony had already issued precautionary warnings for the tributaries in the Upper Elbe, Mulde and Upper White Elster areas on Wednesday and updated them on Friday.

The amount of water in the rivers is expected to rise significantly from Friday night. From Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon, if there is heavy rain and thunderstorms, there is a risk of local flash floods and small-scale flooding. This could result in alarm level 3. According to the State Flood Center, there is currently no indication that the level 4 guideline values ​​will be exceeded.

Kristina Rieth, head of the State Flood Center, expects rivers to rise rapidly in the low mountain ranges.

Showers and thunderstorms will increase significantly as early as Friday, said Kristina Rieth, head of the Saxon Flood Center, to MDR SACHSEN on Thursday. It is assumed that the low mountain ranges in western and southern Saxony will be particularly affected by high amounts of precipitation in the next few days, said Rieth. “This will quickly become apparent in the small watercourses and later also in the larger rivers.”

I am watching the weather forecast with great concern.

Wolfram Günther | Environment Minister of Saxony

Dams release water

Water is therefore being released from the dams to create more retention space. Saxony’s Environment Minister Wolfram Günther is asking all citizens to take the storm and flood warnings seriously. “I am watching the weather forecasts with the greatest concern,” said the Green politician.

First events cancelled

Because of Due to the forecast storm, some event organizers have cancelled or postponed their festivals. These include the three-day Lace Festival in Plauen, the “Open Government District” day in Dresden and the Seifhennersdorfer Club Day. We have summarized for you which other events are affected.

How reliable is this forecast?

The precise path of the low pressure system is still uncertain. It will not be possible to estimate until Friday whether the heavy rainfall will hit Poland and Saxony or Bavaria or Thuringia over the weekend. Specific warnings will then be issued, according to the weather service.

The fact is that it will rain almost everywhere in Saxony over the weekend, says MDR weather expert Susanne Langhans. “Being prepared is everything.” Anyone who lives along rivers should take precautions and, for example, empty their cellars.”

more on the subject

MDR (ben/slh/ama/wim)/dpa

This topic in the program:MDR SACHSEN | MDR SACHSENSPIEGEL | May 31, 2024 | 7:00 p.m.

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