“War of seats” in Ukraine, reconfinement in China and lower gasoline prices

Away from the news of the world, you bubbled this weekend. To reconnect you, here is our essential summary.

Ukraine: towards a “war of sieges” in Mariupol and Kiev

The human tragedies and murderous offensives are linked in the war led by Russia in Ukraine. Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian spoke on Sunday of a “war of seats” believing that “the worst was ahead of us”. In the strategic port of Mariupol, surrounded and besieged for thirteen days, the situation is “almost desperate” according to MSF. More than 2,100 civilians have reportedly been killed since the start of the offensive, and sources report that residents are fighting for food. All the minute-by-minute information to be found in our live Ukraine.

Faced with Covid-19, China is reconfiguring

We are far from zero-Covid. China recorded 3,393 cases of Covid-19 on Sunday, according to official data, a record since the start of the epidemic in 2020.

Due to a spike in cases across the country, authorities have closed schools in Shanghai and locked down several northeastern cities, while more than ten provinces are racing to contain local outbreaks. In the city of Shenzhen, 17 million people have been reconfigured in this way.

Iran claims attack on Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan

The Revolutionary Guards, the ideological army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, claimed responsibility for the missile fire on Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan, on Sunday. They claim to have targeted an Israeli “strategic center” and threaten the Jewish state with new “destructive” operations. The authorities of Iraqi Kurdistan (north) had previously indicated that “12 ballistic missiles” had targeted the American consulate in Erbil on Sunday, without causing any casualties. Paris condemned “with the greatest firmness” the missile launches, an attack which “threatens the stability of Iraq and the region”.

Lower price of gasoline at the pump

A welcome boost. To cope with soaring fuel prices, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced this Saturday to our colleagues from the Parisian a “discount at the pump of 15 centimes per litre”. It will apply from April 1 and for four months for all French people.

This measure, which will cost the State around 2 billion euros, concerns households as well as businesses and will be “valid on all fuels”, specified the Prime Minister.

Polls: Mélenchon gets back into the race for the second round of the presidential election

With Emmanuel Macron given the clear winner in the first round of the presidential election according to the polls, the fight is focused on second place with the call for a useful vote launched on the left on Sunday by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. An Ipsos survey for The Parisian and France Info places the candidate LFI in fourth position with 12% of the voting intentions, certainly far behind the outgoing president (30.5%), but only four points behind the RN Marine Le Pen (16%). He is on the heels of far-right polemicist Eric Zemmour (13.5%) and ahead of LR Valérie Pécresse (11%).

With such a low entry ticket for the second round, the LFI candidate could give hope to a fragmented left. He also confided in an interview with JDD : “this presidential, I feel it well. »

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