War in Ukraine: West delivers heavy weapons – Politics

In view of the beginning of Russia’s major offensive in eastern Ukraine, the western states agreed on Tuesday to supply heavy weapons to the country. US President Joe Biden held a conference call with the heads of state and government of allied countries. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said in the evening that the federal government is going through a list of armaments with the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense that can be delivered quickly by German industry. However, the possibilities of supplying from Bundeswehr stocks were reaching their limits.

Scholz did not name any specific weapon systems, but said that “also what can be used in an artillery battle” should be delivered. According to information from Süddeutsche Zeitung the federal government is preparing another package that significantly exceeds the quality of the systems delivered so far. After asking the industry, the Federal Ministry of Defense drew up the list of weapon systems and equipment that Scholz mentioned that was available at short notice. These include mortars with a caliber of 120 millimeters and automatic cannons, radar systems for ground surveillance and for locating enemy positions, and electronic jamming systems.

The Ukraine Situation Center in the Defense Ministry is supposed to compare the industry’s offers with the Ukrainian side’s demands. A “requirements list” is then to be submitted to the federal government for a decision. Scholz announced that he would use the additional financial aid of one billion euros already promised to Ukraine to finance such deliveries. “Nobody will have to wait there,” he said. Germany will also support allies like the United States who supply artillery systems. Apparently training and ammunition are being considered.

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With a view to the demands from Ukraine for the delivery of tanks and fighter jets, Scholz made it clear: “It would be wrong for Germans to go it alone.” He pointed out that the USA and other European NATO countries did not deliver such large-scale equipment either because, like Germany, they assumed that it could not be used successfully without the necessary training and logistics. At the same time, he promised NATO partners in Eastern Europe support if they handed over Soviet-type weapon systems to Ukraine that were known there and could be used immediately.

He countered increasing criticism from the opposition, but also from the ranks of the traffic light coalition, that no one should question the unity of the western alliance, “for no reason whatsoever, not even domestic ones.” This not only “damages our country,” but also strengthens Russian President Vladimir Putin. Scholz had previously come under increasing pressure to position himself clearly on the delivery of heavy weapons. The US had already announced the delivery of 18 howitzers; According to the Pentagon, Ukrainian trainers are to be instructed abroad in how to use the artillery pieces.

The US now wants to help Ukraine out with heavy artillery pieces. It is probably a type M 198 howitzer.

(Photo: Anwar Amro/AFP)

Even before the chancellor’s public statement, CDU leader Friedrich Merz criticized that there were NATO partners who were “long further” than Germany. It is known that there are already deliveries of heavy weapons to Ukraine “from a large number of NATO countries”. “What is Germany doing?” – this question is now being asked not only in this country but internationally, Merz told WDR. More than seven weeks ago, Scholz made the turning point the headline of his government statement. But far too little has happened since then, “most valuable time” has been lost.

Union parliamentary group leader Johann Wadephul said his parliamentary group expects the federal government to either supply heavy weapons “from Bundeswehr stocks or issue export licenses to German armaments companies”. After Scholz’s appearance, Wadephul criticized the fact that Germany was still not delivering heavy weapons. The Federal Republic is acting too late and doing too little, leaving Ukraine “in the lurch”. The Union is considering making its own application in the Bundestag.

It is unclear whether Kyiv will be able to obtain weapons from industry in time to use them to defend against the Russian offensive in the Donbass, which President Volodymyr Zelensky believes began on Tuesday. However, the German government assumes that Ukraine will still need modern weapon systems in a few months to arm itself against ongoing aggression by Russia or the threat of a possible ceasefire. The money from Berlin could also be used for this. It should then also be about systems that cannot be delivered in the short term, for example for air defense.

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