War in Ukraine: These bands cancel concerts in Russia

Ukraine war
These bands cancel concerts in Russia

Green Day will not play in Russia this year.

© Aija Lehtonen/Shutterstock

Green Day, The Killers, Iggy Pop: Numerous foreign bands canceled their concerts in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.

The music world is also protesting against the brutal actions of Vladimir Putin (69) in Ukraine. Many bands are now boycotting Russia with their performances and positioning themselves via social media.

Australian Nick Cave (64) announced on March 1 that he and his band were withdrawing from a planned performance in Russia and Ukraine. You had no other choice it says in a statement on Twitter. “Ukraine, we stand with you and with all those in Russia who are opposing this brutal act, and we pray that this madness will end soon,” the statement said.

Situation is bigger than stadium rock

The Americans Green Day should have played in Moscow on May 29 in front of 45,000 people. “It is with a heavy heart, given the current events, that we feel it necessary to cancel our upcoming show in Moscow at Spartak Stadium,” the band said in an Instagram story. “We are aware that this moment is not about stadium rock shows, it’s much bigger than that.” They are sure that there will be a time when they will come back.

Scotsman Franz Ferdinand also canceled their shows in St. Petersburg and Moscow in June and July due to Russia’s aggressive crackdown. In a statement Singer Alex Kapranos (49) explained on Twitter that the band had built a deep relationship with their Russian fans in 17 years. They also exchanged views on the current situation with many Russian friends. “We know you see the madness in the leadership of your country. We know you don’t want war.”

One Direction member Louis Tomlinson (30) announced on Twitterthat both his performance in Kyiv and his performance in Moscow in July this year have been cancelled. “The safety of my fans is my priority and my thoughts are with the people of Ukraine and all those who are suffering from this unnecessary war,” said the American.

“My heart is broken”

The Brit Yungblud (24) positioned himself on social media several times about Putin’s war in Ukraine. “I am heartbroken to announce that I will be canceling my Russian shows scheduled for this summer,” so the musician via Twitter. His heart was broken, the regime’s evil deeds did not reflect the ideals of the people he met in Russia.

Yungblud then added a message to the Ukrainian people, writing: “My heart is with you – you have already shown such strength and determination by resisting this needless invasion. Everyone deserves to be the creator of their own destiny, instead of having it imposed by acts of war and aggression. Ukraine, I promise I’ll be back as soon as possible!”

Also the American indie pop trio AJR tweeted last Fridaythat they would cancel a concert in October. In their message, they thanked their Russian fans who oppose their country’s criminal behavior. “Our hearts are with the people of Ukraine. At this point, the best thing to do is to share accurate information.”

Park Live Festival without The Killers and Iggy Pop

The American rock band The Killers did not report directly on the subject via social media – but a spokesman did confirmed to “Billboard”that they canceled their performance at the Park Live Festival in Moscow in mid-July due to the events.

This festival will also have to do without the American Iggy Pop (74). The Godfather of Punk tweeted that this was necessary due to current events. “Our thoughts are with the Ukrainians and all the brave people who are resisting this violence and are seeking peace,” it says on Twitter.

The British rock band Bring Me the Horizon said their concerts via Twitter away. “Out of solidarity with Ukraine and to stand up against the atrocities committed by the Russian leadership, we have to cancel our upcoming dates in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine,” the statement said. “We are in awe of the courage the Ukrainian people are showing right now and we pray for a speedy return to peace.”


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