War in Ukraine: Police representatives: Protection zones for refugees in train stations

Ukraine war
Police representatives: protection zones for refugees in train stations

People displaced from Ukraine arrive at Berlin Central Station. Photo: Fabian Sommer/dpa

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With the arrival of many war refugees from Ukraine, criminals want to take advantage of the sometimes confusing situation at train stations. Safe zones could help, according to the police union.

The police union GdP has called for the establishment of protection zones in train stations for war refugees from Ukraine.

In train stations, criminals approached young women and children before the police even came into contact with them, said the GdP chairman for the interests of the federal police, Andreas Roßkopf, of the “Rheinische Post”. “We therefore urgently need protection zones.”

Roßkopf continued: “We and the other authorities must be the first to register and investigate.” Then you can forward people to friends or acquaintances. Currently, 650 more officers than usual are on duty at the train stations where the refugees arrive. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had already announced a high police presence at train stations to protect against human traffickers and sex offenders.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, allegations have been made that men made dubious offers of housing or accommodation to Ukrainian women upon their arrival in Berlin. The federal police prohibited suspects from staying in the station. It is about the suspicion of sexual exploitation, forced prostitution or human trafficking.


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