War in Ukraine: Macron: “Europe must prepare for all scenarios”

war in Ukraine
Macron: «Europe must prepare for all scenarios»

Macron wants to call Putin again about the war in Ukraine. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

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Europe will change: the French President is “concerned and pessimistic” about the situation in Ukraine. Nevertheless, he wants to speak to Putin again soon.

Before the start of the EU summit on the Ukraine war, French President Emmanuel Macron urged unity and strength in Europe. “Europe must adapt to all scenarios,” said Macron on Thursday in Versailles.

“I am concerned and pessimistic,” said the President of the situation in Ukraine. “There will be no solution in the next few hours and days.” Nevertheless, he maintains close contact with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. “We will speak to Putin again in the coming hours.”

“We realize that our democracy is threatened,” said Macron. Europe must react to this. More sovereignty and independence are needed in defense and energy supply. “Europe has changed during the pandemic and will change even faster in the face of war.”

“We need a resilience plan for our economy,” said Macron. The investments for this would have to be financed jointly by the EU in addition to private and state funding, as was the case after the Corona crisis. The population and companies must be protected from rising energy prices, and a European solution is needed for this. The question is how quickly dependence on gas and oil from Russia can be reduced, which can also be used as leverage. At the moment, countries that are even more dependent on Russian gas need help, and European solidarity is needed.

Macron made no promises for a quick EU accession process for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. “We can send a signal tonight,” he said. Europe must see how it redefines itself geographically. “The architecture of Europe will change.”

Macron was shocked by the Russian attack on a maternity hospital building in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol. “France condemns in the strongest terms the act of war, the apparent aim of which is to kill civilians, especially women and children.”


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