War in Ukraine: “Ghost of Kyiv”: Ukrainian fighter pilot is said to have been shot down

war in Ukraine
Ukrainian fighter pilot “Ghost of Kyiv” probably shot down – more bound bodies discovered in Bucha

This man is said to be the “Ghost of Kyiv”. Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko shared the photo on Twitter.

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Lavrov rumbles against the West and NATO +++ Selenskyi causes irritation with information on mass graves +++ All developments on the war in Ukraine in star-Ticker.

On the 66th On the 1st day of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the Russian army continued its offensive in the east and south of Ukraine with undiminished intensity, targeting the city of Kharkiv in particular. Heavy explosions were heard in Kharkiv on Saturday night. Despite the ongoing Russian attacks on the country’s second-largest city, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke of “tactical successes” by government troops in the region.

News of the war in Ukraine on Saturday, April 30:

2:54 p.m .: Kyiv: Three more bodies with their hands tied were discovered near Bucha

According to the police, another three bodies with their hands tied were discovered near the Kiev suburb of Bucha. The bodies of the three men were found in a pit in the village of Myrozke, said the police chief of the Ukrainian capital, Andriy Nebytov. They had gunshot wounds on different parts of the body. According to Nebytow, the three men’s eyes were blindfolded, and “some” were also gagged. According to the police chief, the corpses bear the marks of prolonged torture. Each of the men was eventually killed with a shot in the temple. “According to what we know so far, the occupiers tried to hide the traces of their acts of violence,” Nebytow explained. So they threw the bodies into a pit and covered them with earth.

2:15 p.m .: More than 390,000 war refugees from Ukraine in Germany

More than 390,000 war refugees from Ukraine have now arrived in Germany. As the Federal Ministry of the Interior announced on Twitter, the Federal Police have recorded the arrival of 392,600 refugees from Ukraine since the Russian attack began on February 24. They are mainly women, children and old people. However, the exact number of war refugees who have sought refuge in this country is not known, because there are usually no stationary controls at the internal EU borders, and Ukrainians can enter the country for 90 days without a visa.

1:29 p.m .: Russia intensifies attacks on the second largest Ukrainian city of Kharkiv

The Russian army continued its offensive in the east and south of Ukraine with undiminished intensity, concentrating its attacks particularly on the city of Kharkiv. One person was killed and five others injured in night-time artillery shelling in Ukraine’s second-largest city, the regional military administration said on the online service Telegram. An evacuation action of civilians from the besieged steel works in Mariupol announced by the Ukrainian side did not take place. “The situation in the Kharkiv region is difficult,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a televised address. “But our military and intelligence have made important tactical gains.” According to the Ukrainian armed forces, they recaptured the “strategically important” village of Ruska Losowa north of Kharkiv. According to the Ministry of Defense in Kyiv, the soldiers brought more than 600 residents to safety.

12.51: “Ghost of Kyiv”: Ukrainian fighter pilot is said to have been shot down

The mysterious Ukrainian fighter pilot who became known as the “Ghost of Kyiv” is said to have been shot down. The British reports “TimesAccording to the report, the fighter pilot was 29-year-old Major Stepan Tarabalka. He was shot down on March 13 while fighting “overwhelming” enemy forces At that point he is said to have shot down 40 Russian planes.

12.18 p.m .: Söder demands that former Chancellor Schröder waive privileges

CSU boss Markus Söder has asked former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to leave the SPD himself and also to renounce his privileges as a former head of government. At a small CSU party conference in Würzburg, Söder called it “a disgrace for our country” how Schröder behaved in connection with the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine: “It harms us all over the world, not just the SPD.”

The SPD has already asked the Chancellor, who ruled from 1998 to 2005, to leave the party. Like Söder, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) also demanded that Schröder withdraw the state support to which he was previously entitled.

11.10 a.m .: Russian military: More than 380 military objects hit in Ukraine

According to the Russian armed forces, they have hit hundreds of military objects in Ukraine in new attacks with rockets and artillery. The Air Force destroyed four ammunition depots and a fuel depot in the east during the night, the Ministry of Defense announced in Moscow on Saturday. Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said 120 Ukrainian fighters were also “destroyed” in attacks. A total of 389 other military objects were hit by artillery during the night, including numerous positions of the Ukrainian troops. The Russian air defense shot down 18 drones. The major general listed that so far more than 2,600 Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles, around 650 drones, 142 planes and 112 helicopters have been disabled. This information could not be verified by an independent party.

10.16 a.m .: Ukrainian military speaks of unsuccessful Russian attacks in the east

In its situation report on the course of the war, the Ukrainian general staff listed new Russian attacks with a focus on eastern Ukraine. But there are no successes for Russia, it says. “The fighting continues.” Near the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region, Russia is further massing its troops for attacks. There are attempts by the Russian armed forces to advance inland in several places. However, the attacks would be fended off.

4.59 a.m .: Lavrov rumbles against the West and NATO

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov incited hatred against NATO in two interviews during the night. In an interview with the Chinese agency Xinhua early on Saturday morning, according to Russian agencies, he accused the military alliance of preventing the end of the “special operation” through political agreements and arms deliveries.

In an interview with the Arabic-language channel Al-Arabiya, Lavrov also said that Russia knows the routes through which the West wants to deliver arms to Ukraine. The delivered weapons should now become the target of what the official Russian side calls a “special operation” as soon as they reach the territory of Ukraine.

3 a.m.: Selenskyi causes irritation with information about the mass grave

In an interview, Selenskyj spoke of a new mass grave with 900 dead in the Kiev region. His spokesman and the police denied it. “As of April 29, a total of 1,187 bodies of victims of the Russian army were discovered in the Kyiv region, and the president probably meant this total number when he spoke of over 900,” said a statement from the Kyiv region police. Presidential spokesman Serhiy Nykyforov also emphasized in the online newspaper “Ukrajinska Pravda” that the president meant the total number.


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