War in Ukraine: Criticism of former Chancellor Schröder is getting louder

war in Ukraine
Criticism of former Chancellor Schröder is getting louder

Criticism of former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is growing in connection with his behavior during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

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Former Chancellor Schröder has been criticized for his ongoing business relations with Russia. Some politicians are now demanding consequences, such as cutting state support.

Criticism of former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder is getting louder. Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner has spoken out in favor of removing state support for Schröder because of his ongoing business ties to Russia.

“We should draw conclusions. It is no longer conceivable for me that the taxpayer would provide an office for him, »said the FDP politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. “Former top officials who appear to be on the side of criminal governments cannot count on the support of this state.”

Former SPD Chancellor Schröder has also been criticized for his friendship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and for statements about the war in Ukraine. His Berlin employees have already resigned.

Lindner also called for a general reorganization of the provision of offices and employees to former chancellors and federal presidents. “So it would be advisable to standardize the equipment of former holders of top offices and to reduce them over time. In this context, one would also have to talk about a kind of code of honor in terms of behavior. »

Also criticism from CSU boss Markus Söder

CSU boss Markus Söder attacked former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) with sharp words. Schröder is “a stubborn, old, bizarre man” for whom his own account is more important than Germany’s reputation in the world, Söder said on Saturday at a small CSU party conference in Würzburg. Schröder must not only leave the SPD, but also return his privileges as former chancellor, demanded the Bavarian Prime Minister. Schröder has been heavily criticized for his ongoing business ties to Russia.


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