War in the Middle East: Israel launches attack on Hamas base in school

War in the Middle East
Israel flies attack on Hamas base in school

Israeli forces are setting up a new unit along the border with the Gaza Strip to protect the local communities. Photo

© Tsafrir Abayov/AP/dpa

A school belonging to the UN Palestinian relief agency is said to have served as a base for terrorists. Israel’s army is targeting it in an air strike. Many people are said to have died. The news at a glance.

As the security situation on Israel’s northern border continues to worsen, the Israeli The military attacked a Hamas position in a school in the Gaza Strip from the air. Several fighters from the Islamist organization who had planned terrorist attacks and attacks on Israeli troops were killed, the army said.

According to Palestinian media reports, 27 people were killed in the airstrike. Eleven people were injured in northern Israel in a drone attack by the Shiite Hezbollah militia from Lebanon.

According to the Israeli military, the position in the school in Nuseirat, which is run by the UN Palestinian relief agency UNRWA, served as a base for units of Hamas and the terrorist organization Islamic Jihad, which was also involved in the massacre on October 7 last year in Israel.

Israel repeatedly accuses Hamas of operating from civilian facilities in the Gaza war and thereby knowingly endangering civilians or even deliberately using them as a human shield.

Eleven injured in drone attack on town in northern Israel

The drone attack in the northern Israeli town of Hurfesh left one person seriously injured, three people with moderate injuries and seven others with minor injuries, the head of the rescue organization Magen David Adom told the television station Channel 12. Hezbollah, which is supported by Israel’s arch-enemy Iran, claimed responsibility for the attack. The Israeli armed forces then attacked the militia’s positions in southern Lebanon.

In view of the military tensions, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the Israeli army’s readiness to fight. “Anyone who thinks they can harm us and we will react by doing nothing is making a big mistake,” said Netanyahu during a visit to the town of Kiryat Shmona, which has been particularly affected by shelling from the neighboring country, where he met soldiers and firefighters.

Pentagon: US port may be repaired by end of week

Meanwhile, the Pentagon believes that the temporary pier set up by the US military on the coast of the Gaza Strip should soon be able to resume operations. “We hope to be able to anchor the pier in Gaza again by the end of the week,” said US Department of Defense spokeswoman Sabrina Singh.

As soon as that happens, aid supplies can be brought back to the Gaza Strip “fairly immediately”. The pier anchored on the coast was badly damaged in rough seas at the end of May, just a few days after the temporary port was completed.

Thousands of Jews march through Jerusalem

Amid the extremely tense situation caused by the Gaza war, thousands of national-religious Jews marched through Jerusalem. The annual “March of Flags”, which celebrates the conquest of East Jerusalem during the Six-Day War in 1967, also passes through neighborhoods inhabited mainly by Palestinians. Critics in Israel accuse the organizers of unnecessarily provoking the population by marching through these neighborhoods of the Old City.

Large police forces separated marchers from Palestinians, Israeli media reported. Some of the national-religious Jews attacked a group of journalists who were reporting for Arab and Israeli media. Among others, demonstrators attacked an Israeli reporter from the liberal newspaper “Haaretz” who had stood in front of other colleagues to protect him.

Israeli forces build protection unit

Meanwhile, the Israeli armed forces are setting up a new unit along the border with the Gaza Strip to protect the towns there. The force includes reservists and veterans from special forces living in the region, the military said.

The worst massacre in the history of the State of Israel took place in the border area with the Gaza Strip on October 7. At that time, fighters from Hamas and other extremist groups entered Israel from the sealed-off coastal area, killed more than 1,200 people and abducted more than 250 hostages into the Gaza Strip.


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