War in the Middle East: Families of hostages want to intensify protests in Israel

War in the Middle East
Families of hostages want to intensify protests in Israel

People look at photo in Tel Aviv

© Petros Giannakouris/AP/dpa

The Egyptian border crossing with the Gaza Strip is to be opened for humanitarian goods. The hostages’ families speak of a “terrible decision.” You have a clear demand.

After the announcement of humanitarian aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip, families of hostages want to leave Israel’s deportations to the Palestinian territory are intensifying their protests.

They demand that before any help in Gaza, the prisoners must first be released. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz wrote on Wednesday evening that the representatives of the hostage families had criticized a planned opening of the Egyptian border crossing for humanitarian goods as a “terrible decision”.

“Children, babies, women, soldiers, men and the elderly – some suffering from serious illnesses or gunshot wounds – are kept like animals underground in inhumane conditions,” and yet the Israeli government “rewards” murderers and hostage-takers, it said according to the information in the message.

Protest in front of the military headquarters in Tel Aviv

Desperate relatives of the hostages have been demonstrating in front of the military headquarters in Tel Aviv for several days. They are calling for the rapid release of their family members who were kidnapped by Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip.

According to US President Joe Biden, Egypt had promised to initially allow up to 20 trucks into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border crossing. Israel promised not to hinder humanitarian aid deliveries from Egypt. It had called on the people of Gaza to move south.

Hundreds of Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7th and killed more than 1,400 people. In addition, at least 199 people were abducted to the Gaza Strip, including Germans. Relatives of German hostages wanted to meet with Bundestag President Bärbel Bas in Berlin this morning.


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