War against Ukraine: Baerbock reaffirms NATO decision against no-fly zone

NATO continues to reject calls for a no-fly zone – Foreign Minister Baerbock has now confirmed this. Meanwhile, Turkey and Israel act as mediators to Moscow.

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has defended the decision against a no-fly zone over Ukraine out of fear of a further escalation of the war.

“These are the moments in foreign policy when you can actually only choose between plague and cholera,” said the Green politician at “Anne Will” in the first. But: One bears the responsibility that this war does not lead to a third world war. “Another spillover of this war on Poland, on the Baltic states – we cannot take responsibility for that.”

NATO had rejected a corresponding request by Ukraine for such a no-fly zone. The Allies are in agreement that NATO aircraft should not operate in Ukrainian airspace, the Secretary General of the military alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said.

Baerbock said in the first that all levers had been set in motion with economic and financial means and with arms deliveries to exert maximum pressure on the Russian President. One is also still in talks for humanitarian corridors. You look carefully at each point.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) also rejected the no-fly zone demanded by Ukraine on the TV channel “Bild”. He must be responsible for Germany and decide what could follow. “Making this horrific war into an even bigger war will not reduce suffering.”

Erdogon and Bennett in the role of mediator

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan renewed his call for a ceasefire in a phone call with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. Putin had previously spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and telephoned him on Sunday.

Bennett traveled to Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Germany on Saturday evening. After Putin’s phone call with Bennett, a Kremlin statement on Sunday evening said: “The detailed exchange of views on the situation in connection with Russia’s special military operation to protect the Donbass was (…) continued.”

In the phone call on Sunday, Erdogan emphasized that Turkey was ready to contribute to the peaceful solution of the conflict, the presidential office said. Urgent steps must be taken for a ceasefire, for the opening of “humanitarian corridors” and for the signing of a peace agreement. NATO member Turkey maintains close ties with Ukraine and Russia.

Russia signals readiness for dialogue

According to the Kremlin, Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness for dialogue with the Ukrainian leadership and with “foreign partners” with the aim of resolving the conflict. An end to the “special operation” is only possible if Kyiv ceases hostilities and fulfills Russia’s conditions. This includes, for example, the recognition of the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions and the “belonging” of the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea to Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has always rejected this.

According to Turkish media, the phone call with Putin lasted about an hour. Erdogan also spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday. Turkey condemns the invasion but does not participate in sanctions against Russia.

Bennett at Scholz

After a visit to Moscow, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett discussed the Ukraine conflict with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Berlin on Saturday evening. “The focus of the 90-minute conversation was the results of the conversation that the Prime Minister had with Russian President Putin in Moscow on Saturday,” said government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit afterwards. We want to keep in touch on the matter.

The common goal remains to end the war in Ukraine “as soon as possible,” the statement said. “We will work on that with all our might.”

Three hours with Putin

Bennett had previously met with Kremlin chief Putin in Moscow to discuss the Ukraine war. Government circles in Jerusalem said the talks between Putin and Bennett in the Russian capital lasted three hours. Bennett has coordinated with the USA, Germany and France and is “in constant communication with Ukraine”.

According to sources in Jerusalem, Bennett also called Volodymyr Zelenskyy after meeting Putin. On the night of Sunday there was also a telephone conversation between Selenskyj and US President Joe Biden. During the half-hour conversation, Biden underlined the measures taken by the United States, its allies and the private sector “to make Russia bear the costs of its aggression in Ukraine,” the White House said.

Israel as a mediator in discussion

Israel is being discussed as a mediator in the Ukraine war. According to media reports, a few days ago Selenskyj asked Bennett to organize negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Israel. Israel has good relations with both countries, but also finds itself in a conflict. It does not want to upset its main ally, the United States, but at the same time depends on Moscow’s goodwill for strategic reasons, including in the conflicts with Syria and Iran.

According to Bennett’s office, the meeting with Putin was attended by Israeli housing minister Seew Elkin, who is helping with the translation. Elkin comes from the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and is considered a Putin expert. He had also always attended meetings between Bennett’s predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Putin.


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