Wanted criminal arrested by chance during traffic stop

Arrest in Freiburg
Police randomly catch wanted criminal during traffic stop

Criminal caught: A police officer stands between two emergency vehicles.

Criminal caught: A police officer stands between two emergency vehicles.

© Philipp von Ditfurth / DPA

Thousands of criminals are at large across Germany. Now the police have arrested one of them in an adventurous coincidence in Freiburg.

A wanted criminal is in Freiburg im Breisgau twice within a few hours Escaped police on foot – before he was caught. On Sunday evening, the police checked a vehicle with several occupants standing on the shoulder of the A5, the authorities announced. It was discovered that the 27-year-old driver was a criminal against whom there was an arrest warrant – he still has more than two years to serve in prison.

The criminal initially fled on foot across the highway

The man probably sensed the impending arrest and fled, it said. He ran across several lanes of the busy highway, overcame the median barrier and then plunged into the undergrowth.

The highway was then closed in both directions for around an hour. During the course of the night the man was discovered in the city area. Once again he managed to escape on foot. But then he was arrested.

A police spokesman did not provide any further details. The 27-year-old was taken to a correctional facility that night.


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