Walter Lübcke’s family calls on politicians to stand firm

Status: 26.05.2024 16:36

It will soon be the fifth anniversary of the murder of Kassel district president Walter Lübcke. In view of the increasing number of reports of attacks, his family is appealing to politicians not to allow themselves to be intimidated.

Shortly before the fifth anniversary of the death of the former Kassel district president, the family of the murdered CDU politician Walter Lübcke is calling on politically active people to remain steadfast despite increasing reports of attacks.

She had a spokesperson tell the dpa news agency: “Precisely because the Lübcke family has experienced how words become actions, they are horrified by the current attacks on politicians – whether through online threats or physical attacks.”

Recently, several attacks on politicians have attracted attention. In Dresden, SPD campaigner Matthias Ecke was beaten so badly that he had to be hospitalized, and in Berlin, SPD economics senator Franziska Giffey was physically attacked. Politicians from the AfD and the Greens were also threatened and attacked.

Family demands better protection from politicians

The family would like to encourage all those affected and all those who stand up for our democracy not to be intimidated by the attacks.

Stay strong, do not deviate from your beliefs and attitudes, you are not alone.

Family of Walter Lübcke

In the statement, the family also called for better protection for those involved in politics. Although it is not possible to prevent all crimes, much more must be done to protect all full-time and voluntary politicians.

The direct encounter between politicians and the population is an essential part of a free democracy. “The family has painfully experienced what it is like when protection is not provided,” the statement continues.

The crime on the night of June 2, 2019 was a right-wing extremist murder. Late in the evening, right-wing extremist Stephan E. shot Kassel’s district president Lübcke on his own terrace. He aimed at the CDU politician from close range, later citing his liberal stance on refugee policy as the reason.

Warning against brutalisation of democratic culture

The director of the Democracy Center Hesse, Reiner Becker, describes the murder of Walter Lübcke as a low point in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. “The murder of Walter Lübcke is a point at which one can determine where democracy may be eroding,” said the extremism researcher. The fact that the threat situation for officials at the local political level has not improved since then is shown by the recent attacks on politicians, said Becker. Although sensitivity to transgressions has increased and various measures have been taken, it is important to continue to strengthen this awareness.

Becker compares democracy to a tree, which is supported by its fine root system. It can break while the tree still appears to be completely healthy. This tree could then simply fall over one day. Everyone wonders why. Becker’s answer: “Because we haven’t looked at this fine root system.”

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