Wall boxes and heat pumps are not switched off – economy

It is an ugly scenario that many critics of e-mobility and heat pumps describe again and again: If the grid is not designed to charge many cars at certain times and heat homes at the same time, the electricity for those affected would simply be turned off in the future. However, the Federal Network Agency’s latest plans give the all-clear. There is no longer any mention of shutdowns, but only of the option of temporarily curtailing the electricity supply.

“We assume that interventions by the network operator will remain the mandatory exception,” said Klaus Müller, President of the Federal Network Agency, on Friday. “They are only permissible as a last resort and should only be possible to the extent that it is technically necessary.” The Federal Network Agency had already published a key points paper on this. This has now been changed in one place. For example, at least 4.2 kW should always be available. That’s enough to keep heat pumps running and to charge an electric car for a range of 50 kilometers in two hours.

In addition, the network operators should report in detail in a uniform format on a common Internet platform when they intervene in the power grid. It should also be worthwhile for households in the future to control their electricity consumption in such a way that they need as little energy as possible during peak times. So-called variable network charges can make it cheaper, for example, to use a washing machine or dishwasher when there is little demand for electricity or to not charge your e-car directly in the evening but only start charging at night.

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