Wake-up call “did not arrive everywhere”: Spahn calls for MPK in the next few days

Wake-up call “not yet arrived everywhere”: Spahn calls for MPK in the next few days

The corona numbers in Germany are increasing continuously. And a new virus mutant worries the experts. RKI boss Lothar Wieler and Health Minister Jens Spahn again called for measures to be taken as soon as possible to break the fourth wave.

The corona numbers in Germany are increasing continuously. The number of new corona infections within one day has reached a new high. As the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced on Friday morning based on data from the health authorities, 76,414 new infections were registered nationwide within 24 hours. Last Friday there were 52,970. The nationwide seven-day incidence also reached a new high of 438.2. And a new virus mutant from South Africa worries the experts. Germany wants to restrict flights from the country from Saturday.

The acting Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn has urgently called for immediate contact reductions in order to avert the ever-increasing spread of corona throughout Germany. The situation is more serious than at any point in the pandemic, said the CDU politician in Berlin on Friday. But too little happens, and often too late. “We have to stop this wave now,” warned Spahn.

Spahn calls for MPK in the next few days

Too many, including those with political responsibility, think it will be fine. The wave will move from the previously badly affected regions in the south and east of Germany to the west and north. The situation is “dramatically serious, more serious than at any point in this pandemic,” said Spahn. In the short term, only one thing makes the decisive difference, said Spahn: “The number of contacts has to go down, significantly down. It’s all of no use.” Specifically, he named consistent access rules only for vaccinated and convalescent people with an additional test (2G plus), cancellation of celebrations and major events.

The best thing would be a prime ministerial conference with the federal government in the next few days, said Spahn. So far, a meeting of the state heads of government with the federal government is not planned for December 9th. The minister complained that there are currently too many sidelines such as new vaccination requirements or new corona committees. It is now also necessary to postpone predictable operations in clinics. Within Germany, up to 100 intensive care patients would now have to be relocated to other hospitals at great expense. The minister called on those responsible in the federal and state governments to act quickly. The wake-up call has “not yet arrived everywhere”. Some said they wanted to look ten days before further measures were taken, said Spahn, referring to the corresponding plans of the traffic light coalition. The nursing staff would not have “ten days to look”.

Many in responsibility think “it will somehow go well,” the minister said. But it won’t. Specifically, Spahn also criticized the fact that Christmas markets were still open in Berlin, for example. In the capital, for example, the Charité clinic is full, and there are also Christmas markets there, which are also sociable. “That just doesn’t fit in with the times.” criticized the minister.

Wieler appeals to politics

RKI President Lothar Wieler has urged politicians to take measures to immediately reduce contact against the increasingly drastic corona wave. “We need a massive reduction in contacts – now immediately,” said the President of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Friday in Berlin.

“I now expect the decision-makers to take all measures to bring the number of cases down together,” said Wieler. “The coming winter depends on our behavior and on the decision of those responsible to dismiss contact-reducing measures.”

Wieler said: “We are at a crossroads, we have a choice. We can choose the path that leads to chaos and a bad ending.” The tanker then drives against the quay wall. “Or the one who takes the pressure off the health system and perhaps enables a peaceful Christmas and also lets many more people sit at the Christmas table.”

In view of the total of more than 100,000 deaths and currently more than 70,000 new infections every day, Wieler asked: “What still has to happen in order for us to be convinced that we must take all available measures to break this fourth wave?”

The intensive care beds that are still available in the clinics are currently being bought by postponing or suspending operations that can be planned. “If the infections are not massively slowed down at last, then of course the supply in all of Germany will be restricted.”

Virus variant from South Africa: “are very worried”

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the new corona variant B.1.1.529 found in South Africa has not yet been discovered in Germany. “Until half past ten I don’t know that this variant has been found in Europe or Germany,” said Lothar Wieler. At the same time he emphasized: “We are actually very worried.”

The acting Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) emphasized that the aim must be to avoid the entry of this variant as much as possible. “That is the last thing we can still need in our current situation, that an additional variant comes into the wave.” Spahn called on all people who have come to Germany from South Africa in the past few days to be tested for the virus with a PCR test.


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