Von der Leyen on the Ukraine war: EU countries should quickly deliver weapons

Status: 04/17/2022 04:06 a.m

EU Commission President von der Leyen has called on the EU states to supply Ukraine with more weapons as soon as possible. She is also considering extending Russian sanctions to the important Sberbank.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has appealed to EU countries to quickly deliver arms to Ukraine. “For all member states, those who can should deliver quickly, because only then can Ukraine survive in its acute defensive struggle against Russia,” said von der Leyen of “Bild am Sonntag”.

“I don’t differentiate between heavy and light weapons. Ukraine must be given what it needs for defense and what it can handle,” continued von der Leyen.

Von der Leyen warns of a long war

The EU Commission President prepared the citizens of Europe for a long military conflict: “We have to do everything to ensure that it ends as quickly as possible. And at the same time we have to prepare for the fact that the war can last for months or even years in the worst case. ”

On the key points of a sixth EU sanctions package against Russia, which is currently being prepared, she said: “We continue to look at the banking sector, especially Sberbank, which alone accounts for 37 percent of the Russian banking sector. And of course it’s about energy issues.”

The primary goal is to shrink Putin’s income. “But oil is traded globally. What shouldn’t happen is that Putin charges even higher prices on other markets for deliveries that would otherwise go to the EU. That’s why we’re currently developing clever mechanisms so that oil can also be included in the next sanctions step. ”

Özdemir warns of hunger crisis

Food and Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir also called for an increase in arms deliveries. He warned that otherwise there could be a global hunger crisis. “We have received alarming news from Ukraine, where Russian troops are apparently also deliberately destroying agricultural infrastructure and supply chains,” said the Green politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group. This could have long-term effects on the performance of Ukrainian agriculture and thus on world supplies.

“That’s why it’s so important that the West supports Ukraine with more, more effective weapons – and Germany shouldn’t be an exception. Putin’s starvation strategy particularly affects African countries where many people already have too little to eat , said the minister.

Zelenskyj demands heavy weapons from the West

In a video message, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reiterated his demand from Western partners for heavy weapons in the fight for Mariupol or support in negotiations to end the blockade.

“Either our partners give Ukraine all the necessary heavy weapons, the planes, and without exaggeration, immediately, so that we can ease the occupier’s pressure on Mariupol and break the blockade,” he said in his nightly video address to the nation. “Or we do that through negotiations, in which the role of our partners should be crucial.”

Von der Leyen defends German government

Von der Leyen defended the German government against allegations that it was slowing down sanctions. “Germany has been supporting Ukraine for many years and approved all five sanctions packages that we proposed within 48 hours. The EU has never acted as united, determined and energetic as it is now. Germany played its part in this,” she said.

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