Von der Leyen in Kyiv: “Ukraine belongs to the European family”

Status: 08.04.2022 20:01

EU Commission chief von der Leyen has given Ukraine hope for rapid accession to the European Union. Before that, she had gotten an idea of ​​​​war crimes in the devastated town of Bucha.

For the Ukrainian government, these are probably encouraging words in dark times: During her visit to Kyiv, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen promised a quick decision on the country’s admission to the European Union.

“We stand by your side when you dream of Europe,” von der Leyen said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “My message today is that Ukraine belongs to the European family.” The Ukrainian request for EU membership was heard loud and clear. At the same time, von der Leyen spoke of an “initial positive response” when she handed Selenskyj a questionnaire that should form the basis for talks about accession.

Von der Leyen promises speed

Kyiv applied for EU membership shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. At the request of the Council of EU States, the EU Commission is currently examining the application. Joining the EU is a long and complicated process. Even if the EU Commission evaluates the application positively, the start of the admission negotiations could still be a long time coming, since all EU states have to agree.

However, von der Leyen promised speed. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to assist Ukraine in completing the questionnaire. “It won’t be a matter of years, as usual, to draft the statement, but I think a matter of weeks.” Von der Leyen had previously said that her authority wanted to present her assessment to the Council of EU States by the summer.

Von der Leyen was accompanied by a delegation that also included EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Heger and several EU parliamentarians.

Oliver Mayer-Rüth, ARD Istanbul, currently near Kharkiv, on EU Commission President von der Leyen’s visit to Ukraine: “There will be talks about further financial aid, including more weapons”

Tagesschau 5:00 p.m., April 8, 2022

“The Cruel Face of Putin’s Army”

The delegation had previously visited the devastated Kiev suburb of Bucha. “We saw the cruel face of Putin’s army, we saw the ruthlessness and cold-heartedness with which they occupied the city,” said the former German defense minister.

Together with Borrell and Heger, von der Leyen observed the exhumation of 20 bodies from a mass grave. She saw “our humanity shattered,” said the Commission President. In a nearby church, von der Leyen and Borrell lit candles for the murdered. Borrell announced a project to gather information on those missing from the war. 7.5 million euros would be made available for this.

In response to the massacre in Butscha, von der Leyen proposed a fifth package of sanctions against Russia on Tuesday, which has now been approved by the EU states. Among other things, it contains an import ban on coal from Russia, but also further restrictions on trade with Russia and an extensive entry ban for Russian ships in EU ports.

“Appalled at the loss of life”

Shortly before their arrival in Kyiv, rockets fell at a train station in eastern Ukraine, killing dozens of people who were trying to escape from the war. Von der Leyen described the rocket attack as “despicable”. “I am appalled at the loss of life and will personally express my condolences to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy,” she wrote on Twitter.

EU Commission President von der Leyen visiting Kyiv and Bucha

Vassili Golod, ARD Warsaw, daily news at 5:00 p.m., April 8, 2022

War in Ukraine: Attack on the train station in Kramatorsk – The situation on Friday afternoon

Palina Milling, WDR, April 8, 2022 12:01 p.m

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