Volunteer bob, Paris 2024 t-shirt, Olympic glasses… What will really stay in our locker rooms?

Still not over the end of the Olympic Games, you kept your fan wardrobe and you don’t know what to do with it yet? Don’t panic! Your purchases are not out of fashion. In fact, Olympic-related clothing and accessories could well find a permanent place in your wardrobe, according to Sophie Malagola, trend expert.

“The Paralympics are coming up, so there are a lot of people who will continue to wear them or buy them. When a nation wins and has great teams, there is a kind of appropriation of a whole vibe, an atmosphere, through the outfits,” explains the expert and stylist. She thinks that these pieces have a good chance of becoming anchored in your wardrobe to “prolong the magic of the Games a little bit.”

Accessories will remain trendy

Unsurprisingly, “I think the bucket hat won everyone’s vote, which was not a foregone conclusion at all,” explains stylist Sophie Malagola. She sees mostly derivative accessories, like an Olympic cap with the little logo, remaining in our locker rooms. “It’s easier to wear than a big T-shirt,” she says, finding this success surprising.

Distributed exclusively to Paris 2024 volunteers, Decathlon’s bucket hat with its extravagant, multi-coloured pattern is an unlikely success. The fact that each bucket hat is unique makes it even more desirable and difficult to obtain, guaranteeing its success even after the Paralympic Games. “It’s completely offbeat, somewhere between camping and modern, with improbable colours. I think it’s because the volunteers were great and there was a great atmosphere. An accessory like a bucket hat or a cap is easier to wear, and it becomes a symbol of this atmosphere,” adds Malagola.

So, no worries about the banana, the cap or even the bob, you’re still in the game. On the other hand, be careful with glasses in the shape of Olympic rings, they risk making you look like you’re in disguise.

SNOOP DOGG with the Olympic circle shaped glasses
SNOOP DOGG with the Olympic circle shaped glasses– Mickael Chavet

Clothing subtly linked to the Olympics

Apart from during the Paralympic Games, which will take place from August 28 to September 8, 2024, you will have fewer opportunities to proudly wear your Paris 2024 t-shirt in style. More flashy than an accessory, this t-shirt may quickly end up as a pajama top. However, “the blue white red outfits, with the colors of the flag, could really be successful, because it is easier to wear than a big t-shirt. The blue white red side, with a blue sleeve, a red sleeve, etc., linked to the French team, could work well, because there has been a real attachment to the teams,” analyzes the trend expert.

There is also the collection aspect, with products that become iconic, especially when teams win. “Remember the World Cup, where everyone wanted the jerseys with the three stars. In the same way, there will be a craze for sports clubs,” she adds. Regardless of the sport, the Games have highlighted French brands and their know-how, whether with the athletes dressed by Le Coq Sportif, the medal presenters by Louis Vuitton, or the volunteers by Decathlon. One thing is certain, these brands will benefit from it and gain even more popularity. But beyond that, the derivative products, as if worn out of nostalgia, “risk lasting longer than expected, because we want to prolong the experience of the Games,” concludes the expert.

So, wear your purchases proudly, don’t worry, you’re still in!

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