Voluntary termination: How to prepare for this step

The work is stressful, the boss is unbearable and the salary is too low. You just have to hand in your notice! But does that automatically make you feel better – or is there a risk of an emotional crisis? Expert tips on how to prepare well for this step

More people than ever before are considering leaving their job to find a better job. Almost 90 percent of employees no longer feel an inner connection to their company. 45 percent are actively looking for a job, according to the Engagement Index for Germany, which is regularly surveyed by the consulting company Gallup. Quite a few are putting the plan into practice, and the business world is already talking about the “Big Quit”.

But is voluntary termination always a liberating move? Or is there a risk of a hangover if you quit your job to look for something better? Coach and outplacement consultant Hans-Georg Willmann has a few tips on how to prepare well for the step.

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