Video: USA warn of escalation in Ukraine crisis

US warns of escalation in Ukraine crisis

In the Ukraine crisis, the signs point to war. At least that’s how the US sees it. According to the US government, it is preparing for an escalation in the conflict with Russia. US President Joe Biden said during a crisis call with partner countries that Russia could invade Ukraine very soon. Biden and several European countries have already asked their citizens to leave Ukraine. However, efforts are also being made to settle the Ukraine conflict. US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin want to call each other on Saturday. A conversation between Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron is also planned for Saturday. Chancellor Olaf Scholz wants to travel to Kiev on Monday and to Moscow on Tuesday, where he will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russia has massed more than 100,000 troops on the border with eastern Ukraine. In Belarus, the Russian military is holding a large-scale maneuver. The West fears an invasion of Ukraine. The government in Moscow denies this. She is demanding security guarantees from the West, such as a commitment not to accept Ukraine into NATO on a permanent basis.


US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin want to call each other on Saturday.

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