Video: US Coast Guard rescues nearly 400 migrants from distress at sea

STORY: The US Coast Guard claims to have rescued almost 400 migrants from distress at sea. Men, women and children, almost all from Haiti, were sailing the waters of the Bahamas on a completely overcrowded sailboat. According to emergency services, a person who had fallen off the ship was rescued from the water around 100 kilometers south of the Caribbean archipelago. In their attempt to stop the boat, they were assisted by soldiers from the Bahamas, the US Coast Guard said. 375 Haitians and two Cubans were handed over to the Bahamian authorities. Again and again migrants try to reach the USA by a dangerous journey by sea. Many boats start in Cuba. The Bahamas army says it intercepted more than 620 Cuban migrants this way last year. The year before there were only 17. In early January, US President Joe Biden announced that he would expand measures against illegal immigration. Migrants from Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti who are caught crossing the border illegally should be deported quickly. At the same time, the United States wants to allow 30,000 people from these three countries and Venezuela to enter the country every month.


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