Video: Tschentscher praises the quick police response after the killing spree

STORY: Note: This post will be sent to you without the narration. HAMBURG’S FIRST MAYOR PETER TSCHENTSCHER (SPD) “The terrible shooting that happened here last night triggered great sadness and horror throughout Hamburg and far beyond. An armed gunman shot seven people and seriously injured others. Only that Rapid intervention by the police was able to prevent the murder of other people. Personally, on behalf of the Senate and the citizens of our city, I would like to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims. “The experienced police leaders have just reported to us that it actually so was that by the rapid intervention of the police. In such an amoktat, which very rarely succeeds, the amok runner could be stopped. This is something very unusual and only succeeded because this special unit was able to get to the scene very quickly and intervene in the killing spree. This was very dangerous for the emergency services. But in this situation, indeed in this dramatic situation, it was exactly the right reaction. Because the way things happened, it’s reasonable to assume that the gunman would have murdered a number of other people. “The authorities continue to work at full speed to clarify the background of the crime.”


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