Video: Scholz – Weapons deliveries are coordinated with the USA

STORY: (NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT) Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor, on Monday in Berlin at an election campaign event: “But we are sticking to it. We will continue to do it. Just like with the recent decision I made together with American President Biden met, for the supply of Bradleys and Marders. And that’s no coincidence. It’s not the first time. I also decided together with the American President. And the British Prime Minister that we would contribute with multiple rocket launchers, which are pretty heavy weapons to support the defense of Ukraine. We announced that as we do now. And like back then, we prepared, discussed and organized it for a long time. And when the time came, we announced it accordingly. But it’s a course , which we will continue to pursue from the beginning to the present day, and I will make it very clear that we will continue to do so in the days, weeks and months to come e go it alone. Germany will always stay together with friends and allies and especially with our transatlantic partner, the United States of America. Anything else would be irresponsible in such a dangerous situation.”


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