Video: Scholz: We have to stick together as a country

NOTE: This post will be broadcast without a narration. Olaf Scholz (SPD), candidate for Chancellor: “What is important now is that we still convince many that they will be vaccinated. That is the best protection against an infection. And we are seeing that right now in the intensive care units How important it is for citizens to protect themselves. It is important that millions of booster vaccinations can be used quickly. The right decisions must now be made about this. And overall more testing must be carried out in Germany. We also have to Use access restrictions, such as 2G, for example. And that is being prepared now. I am very happy that the intensive consultations have taken us so far that we can act together here, anywhere in Germany. And that can also be resolved. And that’s why I’m happy about all the movement of the last few days, about what can happen now. And it remains our task to do that together until the end. But I am also sic when we vaccinate, when we use booster vaccinations, when we test a lot, when we continue to observe the precautionary rules, when we make sure that where things get tight, we also use access restrictions that focus on those who have been vaccinated and have recovered, then we will do what is needed now. And that’s what it’s all about now. Otherwise, we have a pretty massive catalog that is being implemented now. I just want to remind you that one of the measures that are to be taken now in Germany is, for example, 3G at work, i.e. that you should show up at work vaccinated, recovered or tested, that we are using home office again, that we are very much have clear restrictions on public transport because the risks of infection are quite high there. Those are very, very far-reaching dimensions. Some go a lot further than the ones we grabbed at this point last year. And that shows that what is necessary can and must be done in view of the difficult situation. This is a moment when you have to stick together as a country. And I hope we all do. I also appeal to everyone to do so. Everywhere in the country, in the cities and towns, the point is that we do this together. But that also applies to politics. “


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