Video: Scholz is evasive about the future of the gas surcharge

STORY: Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz made evasive statements about the future of the controversial gas levy. In response to a corresponding question, on the sidelines of a visit to Doha on Sunday, he referred to the commission that is to deal with the future of gas prices. “If you can’t expect me to chat because of the Commission’s confidentiality, I want to say: That’s very good, constructive work that’s being done there, because you can count on quick results.” – “We can say now that autumn has just begun: we will probably get through this winter to the decisions to build terminals on the north German coasts, with the expansion of capacities for liquid gas imports via the western European ports, the Netherlands, Belgium and We have improved our situation from France with the possibility of importing more gas, from the Netherlands and Norway. We have filled up the storage facilities. We are using the coal-fired power plants and will also ensure that the nuclear power plants in the south continue to run. how we can reduce the far too high prices, both for electricity and for gas.” Scholz did not address the dispute between Robert Habeck and Christian Lindner last week. After the Green Economics Minister had already expressed legal doubts about the project, the FDP Finance Minister now also expressed economic concerns in the “Bild am Sonntag”. The planned gas levy is therefore likely to be over.


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