Video: Scholz – EU with 36 instead of 27 members would have more weight

STORY: NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE THIS ENTRY. WITHOUT VOICE TEXT. O-TON FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ: “And that’s good for all of us if we want to assert our values ​​in a world with soon to be 10 billion people. A united European Union of 27, 30, 36 states with then more than 500 million free and equal citizens can bring their weight even more to bear in this world.A European Union with the largest internal market in the world, with leading research institutes, innovations and innovative companies, with stable democracies, with social care and a public infrastructure that is based on are unparalleled in the world. And with an economy that is powered by renewable energies – electricity from the sun, wind and water – and that creates secure jobs for the future. All of this is possible. The experience of the past few months has shown that blockages can be overcome That’s why a few months ago, a few weeks ago in Prague, I presented ideas on the future of the Union puts. Firstly, I support the enlargement of the European Union. The fact that the EU continues to grow towards the East is a win for all of us. Of course, the candidate countries are required to meet the criteria for accession, and we will do our best to support them in this. But we also have to prepare the European Union itself for this enlargement. The EU will be able to accept new members if it keeps up the momentum of European deepening and thus creates the basis for a much larger EU.”


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