Video: Salsa record attempt in Venezuela |

STORY: Impressive pictures even from a dizzy height. Thousands of salsa dancers gathered in Venezuela over the weekend to set a new Guinness record. Organizer Luis LLamo with more details: “We managed to gather many young Venezuelan dancers here. There are over 2,000 participants from all regions of the country who have prepared meticulously beforehand. We have traveled to all states and areas of the country and gave out tutorials, so we worked very carefully to bring this record from Europe to Latin America, to Venezuela, which is currently the most disciplined country in the world in this genre and dance.” The record attempt took place in the capital Caracas on Sunday. The current record holder is Spain. However, when exactly the test for the new Guinness Book record will be completed was not initially known. But these impressions of what is presumably the largest salsa dance event to date are quite impressive.


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