Video: Residents in Donetsk are desperate

Residents in Donetsk are desperate

STORY: Residents from the Donetsk region are desperate in the face of the escalating situation. After Russia launched its offensive war against Ukraine from several flanks a few days ago, the situation continues to deteriorate. However, Ukrainian residents of Donetsk region are already familiar with life in a military conflict. Pro-Russian separatists have been moving the national border along the so-called contact line since 2014. These Ukrainian citizens vented their anger on Wednesday: RESIDENT YASINUVATA, IVAN (NO LAST NAME GIVEN): “We have to stop all this chatter and destruction. How long is this supposed to go on? How long will they mistreat us? We’ve been living like this for 8 years. Keep running down into the basement. What’s the point?” RESIDENT HORLIVKA, YURY ROKHMANKO: “Many people here have relatives in other parts of Ukraine. We used to be a family. I’m a grown man, but I want to cry.” Despite increasing international isolation, Russia is pushing the military Offensive in Ukraine advances but still faces stiff resistance On the seventh day of the invasion, fighting was concentrated in the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson and the country’s second-largest city of Kharkiv to the north-east Isolated attacks were reported from Kyiv, in the capital with around three million inhabitants, the situation remained tense, but the expected large-scale attack by the Russian armed forces, which had gathered at the gates of Kiev, did not materialize for the time being.


Ukrainians who lived on the contact line already know the situation of constant attacks. But their situation is getting worse.

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