Video: Quite worried: No Christmas market near Sanssouci

Christmas market for only two days in Potsdam: The family of showman Jürgen Scheit is already present in the second generation at the Potsdam Christmas market, now the sudden cancellation hits him hard: On Tuesday the state of Brandenburg decided to take measures in the fight against the increasing corona To increase the number of infections and to close or not even open Christmas markets. According to Scheit, that means heavy losses, a good five-digit amount has already flowed into his confectionery stand. Politicians are now responsible: O-Ton: (“Yes, that a position is taken on these decisions, that something is happening. Yes, you are helped and supported and then you have to see that not everyone is up Stay on track. That … I think for many companies that is the broken neck when they are not helped. “) Visitors express displeasure: (” I find it unjustified that then the retail trade is completely open and then but to go to the Christmas markets, because the risk is actually much lower, because of the fresh air. ” want to go on. ” (“Yes, not well thought out, really. So, we where I don’t say anything bad about politics, but there isn’t that much good either. “) This showwoman says she is very sad: (” Because you could have just said it won’t take place and it’s done. Yes, and I find it very regrettable that this was not done. Because, for two days, well, people are happy, but we are not happy. We are actually here today with mixed feelings. Yesterday was euphoric, everything was great and great and today there are really bad feelings. And for many it is really still an existence. I can say that I have already retired. But still, there is a lot of money in these goods. “) Eberhard Heieck, organizer of this market that just opened at the start of the week here on Potsdamer Luisenplatz, suspects the following: (” We suspect like everywhere else, there is puzzles, there is speculation And of course some came up with the idea that the pandemic emergency will expire on November 25th and that one or the other state government might want to use it quickly to simply cancel everything to repeat the lockdown again. Even if many of them say it should no longer exist. But we’ll do it now and that’s not okay. ”) Overall, significantly stricter anti-corona rules will apply in Brandenburg from Wednesday The federal state of Brandenburg reported the fourth highest incidence nationwide on Tuesday, the official RKI value is only higher in Saxony, Thuringia and Bavaria In turn, Brandenburg has the second-lowest rate of people who have been vaccinated, even less is only given for Saxony.


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