Video: Opponents of abortion in the USA – 50th “March for Life”

STORY: Thousands of abortion opponents gathered in the US capital Washington DC on Friday for the traditional “March for Life”. It was already the 50th edition of this demonstration. For the most part, participants expressed satisfaction with the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, which overturned the country’s abortion rights last summer. At the same time, they call for similar judgments at the level of all states. Here is the voice of a demo participant: “I think there still needs to be some changes, from state to state. That they can make their own decisions about when abortions can take place. And we mean that there should be no abortion at all should be. So, there’s still a lot to do.” Unlike the demonstrators, US President Joe Biden thinks the Supreme Court’s decision is wrong. His spokeswoman said he will continue to emphasize women’s right to make choices about their health. In 1973, the predecessors at the US Supreme Court had established a nationwide right to abortion. As a reaction, the annual “March for Life” was held for the first time in 1974.


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