Video: Lambrecht: Putin did not expect this unity

Lambrecht: Putin did not expect this unity

STORY: (NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT) Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) on Wednesday at the Romanian air base Kogalniceanu: “And with this unity, with which we are present at the moment, Putin did not reckon with this unity. In his great power mania, which he lives out, with a brutal war of aggression in Ukraine, accepting that so many people experience suffering, are exposed to violence or have to leave their homes. This unity surprised him and is now holding him back. At the moment it’s courage , thanks to the incredible courage of the Ukrainians that they are clearly fighting for what we stand for, for democracy, for peace, for freedom.” // “We are now working together here in extremely difficult times. And we had a relatively, a short lead time to relocate our soldiers. But it worked. And that’s what is and what makes us special. And that is also the signal that we have to send out from within NATO. We are prepared. We are well positioned and we are determined, determined to defend our alliance. We will not budge a millimeter here. That is a sign that must be sent in relation to this brutal dictator who brings so much suffering to the people.”


During her visit to an air force base in Romania, Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) emphasized that NATO was prepared and determined to defend the alliance.

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