Video: “Happy and happy to be able to look a German police officer in the face”

Checks by the federal police on the border with Poland in Frankfurt an der Oder on Thursday. The background to this is that since August the number of migrants and refugees entering Germany via Belarus and Poland has increased significantly. Because Poland is the first Schengen country that people enter, they should actually apply for asylum there. But many want to do this only in Germany. Press spokesman Jens Schobranski was present at the controls on Thursday. “The situation is still dynamic and also tense and demanding for our colleagues, who check and investigate here every day. We still have a whole series of findings of migrants who are entering or entering here illegally and who are during During the process, you can also submit asylum applications. For us, this means that they will be taken with us for further processing and then forwarded to the responsible immigration authorities after our processes. ” But it is not just about attempts to enter secretly. “It is actually the case that they do not hide further, that they enter the city as a walker over the city bridge in Frankfurt Oder and are also eager to be checked and recognized by police officers, colleagues from the customs or Brandenburg police they can then submit their asylum application here. That is one of the findings that we have. Groups of people also move around the city in such a way that we then receive information from citizens. ” However: “But we also have a whole series of cases in which we identify migration on our own initiative through control activities, discovering smugglings, always extremely precarious for us when larger groups of people are on the sometimes really overcrowded loading areas of small vans, which are then really quite Make it clear how happy you are when you can look a German police officer in the face. ” The European Union accuses the Belarusian ruler, Lukashenko, of targeting migrants from Africa and the Middle East in response to sanctions and then sending them on to the EU. “The absolute majority has links to Belarus. That means that they enter Belarus there, mostly by air, that is, by plane, in order to then try to get on quickly to the EU from there.” Germany is increasingly sending migrants arriving from Belarus via Poland back to the neighboring country. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior on Tuesday, 104 and 108 requests for redemption were made by German authorities in August and September. In the two months, Poland agreed to return in 128 cases. In July there were only 37 return requests and commitments.


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