Video: Günther campaigns for re-election in Schleswig-Holstein in the last few meters

STORY: On Sunday, people in Schleswig-Holstein will elect a new state parliament. The polls recently saw Prime Minister Daniel Günther’s CDU far ahead. The father of the country campaigned for his party and thus for his re-election in Eckernförde on Saturday. “Of course, in this situation, where we are relatively well ahead in the polls, there is always a certain danger. And that’s why I think it’s important to ask the question: Can I rely on that then the CDU will continue to govern, because the Greens also say, for example, that they are also prepared to form a coalition against the CDU as the winner of the election. to form a government against the CDU. And that’s why everyone must be clear: If you want to play it safe, if you want the government to continue its work, you really have to vote for the CDU on Sunday.” Voices of voters on the streets of Eckernförde, one day before the state election: “Yes, well, I am satisfied with the state as it is now. It is doubtful whether it will come about again. Two parties will probably be enough a coalition. I would have favourites, a color constellation. But I’ll keep them to myself.” “I wish he would do that with the Greens, because I think they’ve worked well together so far, and I think that with Habeck it worked well before and I think he’s doing a good job now and in that respect I wish I think they’re going to keep doing this.” “Prime Minister is an Eckernforder, and I like that. But it’s not my party. My party is behind us here and I inherited that from my parents.” According to a survey by the Wahlen research group on behalf of ZDF, the CDU saw 38 percent on Thursday, the SPD 18, the Greens also 18 and the FDP 8 percent.


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