Video: Fisheries dispute: “It’s not a war, but a fight”

Fisheries dispute: “It’s not a war, but a fight”

This British cutter in the port of Le Havre is a symbol of the heated dispute over fishing rights between France and the former EU member Great Britain. On Thursday, Paris had the boat arrested because it is said to have been sailing in French waters without a license. The French Minister for Fisheries, Annick Girardin, said the boat had been confiscated during an inspection at sea. Paris accuses London of still not having granted all fishing licenses to EU fishermen after Great Britain left the EU. The fixing of the cutter, the warning of a second boat and other announced measures should put London under pressure. “It’s not a war,” said the minister, “but it’s a fight.” In an initial response, the British government stated that France’s behavior was disappointing and disproportionate. “This is not what we would expect from a close ally and partner.” Environment Minister George Eustice said in the London Parliament that the threats violated international law. With regard to behavior, France announced an “appropriate and gradual” response. The UK has promised to issue licenses to EU fishermen operating in UK waters prior to Brexit on January 31, 2020. According to Eustice, Great Britain has already issued licenses for ships from the EU in 1,673, of which 736 went to France. Further licenses could be approved. From November 2nd, France also wants to introduce special controls on British goods, which would worsen the economic situation in the UK. The government of President Emmanuel Macron is also considering further measures and is not ruling out a review of electricity exports to the UK. France’s European Minister Clement Beaune said that apparently the language of harshness was the only thing the British understood. UK waters are considered to be one of the richest in fish in the North Atlantic and account for most of the EU catch. The negotiations between the EU Commission and the government in London on the specific structure of the fishery continued this week.


As the responsible French minister said in the dispute over the granting of fishing licenses between the EU and Great Britain. Paris had confiscated a British cutter on Thursday.

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