Video: Fire in one of Seoul’s last slums

STORY: Heavy fire in a shanty town in the South Korean capital Seoul on Friday. Residents describe the chaotic scene: “As soon as I opened the door, I saw flames coming out the side. It looked really bad. But I didn’t want to escape on my own, so I banged on the doors and shouted ‘Fire!’ shouted. People came running out and they were shocked. Then it got really, really chaotic.” “The corridors between the barracks were very narrow. I hope nobody got injured. I don’t know what exactly happened and how it happened. I’m very worried. That’s why I came here now. Because we are local residents .” About 60 houses burned down. And around 500 people had to be evacuated, according to the authorities. The fire broke out early Friday morning in the Guryong settlement in southern Seoul. Around 600 firefighters were on duty. And after several hours the flames were extinguished. So far there have been no reports of injuries. The village was one of the last remaining slums and a symbol of social inequality in Asia’s fourth largest economy. The shantytown was right next to the very wealthy Gangnam district. There is no more detailed information about the cause of the fire.


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