Video: Federal government prohibits Elmos sale to Chinese investors

STORY: (NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT) Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) on Wednesday in Berlin: “Hello. Ladies and gentlemen! I wanted to inform you briefly after the cabinet meeting that there are also two on the agenda in the cabinet today Investment reviews were in place. Both were decided negatively. This means that we prohibited both times that a non-EU investor entered companies in Germany. Both are justified by the fact that order and security in Germany must be maintained and protected and critical production areas of a are subject to a special need for protection. One case, I think, is known. It is about the company Elmos in Dortmund, which produces chips and a Chinese investor wanted to get involved there. I can talk about it so openly because the company informed me that two days ago I think made public.The second case is subject to commercial secrecy the company. Therefore, please note that I do not want to go into the details. What is important is the political message that we are an open market economy, that investments from abroad, including from countries far from the Union and from abroad, are wanted and welcomed here. But an open market economy is not a naive market economy. And no matter how much the general principle applies and must also be maintained, especially with regard to China, which we are talking about here: China is and should remain a trading partner. We must not be so naive. And we have to see that we protect our own interests when trade and market interests are used for power politics and possibly against the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.”


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